Wednesday, February 01, 2006

time is going slow

i feel like my weeks and weekends have been going really slow. i feel stressed for no reason, i have been getting all my school work done on time or a few days early, keeping it all under my belt. what is going on. tonight i should probably go to bed before my normal time, 11-11:30, and that is not even that late compared.

sorry, today is kinda a complaining day. . . i woke up this morning with a number 5 or 6 headache (as the docs like to make me tell them a number for how bad it hurts). i'm getting my wisdom teeth so that isnt helping the headaches. also every night this week i have had something to do. monday- band, tuesday- fuel, wednesday- suprise b-day party for jill, thursday- alpha chi, friday- either girls night out or jazz concert. crazy. good thing we are on the hump on the week, wednesday. half way over. i can do it.

anyways, done with that. yesterday after fuel i went to a movie with shelli and a few guys. shelli and i are naughty, i popped some microwave popcorn and put it in a walmart bag and then in her purse. we snuck popcorn into the theater! there is a first time for everything. made me laugh. after the movie i called jon and we talked for a little bit then off to bed. it was weird, for one of the first times ever erin was in bed before me. she was vegging on the tv though, but still. i think that i fell asleep before her. alright, i am now off to engilish class, hope that is interesting. i think i could fall asleep during class. naughty, alright off i go. . .


daveeh said...

ok, to show you how out of it i am: what is fuel? like in : tuesday-fuel

? :)

daveeh said...

ah, ok, bible study. :) cool. so you don't run outta gas... sorta kinda?