Sunday, February 27, 2011


I always liked that vacuum has to Us, it just makes it fun looking. So yesterday I was vacuuming and cleaning our apartment because Jon's parents were coming to town for his birthday (on the 28th). The vacuum just wasn't sucking things up right and has been through a lot, and has taken in a lot of hair, especially cat hair! So Jon and I went and invested in a new vacuum for the first time. You may say, lame... But, I totally disagree, it works so great and I totally want to re-vacuum and clean up anything I can get my hands on. Though, the re-vacuuming isn't needed because it sucked it all up the first time. I now feel like a total adult. Wow, I totally am...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Babies heart beat

Today was our 16 week appointment. We got in and out really quick. Jon and I heard the babies heart beat, it was 151bpm! It is good to know the baby is still in there growing and doing well. At wk 20 we go in and get our more in depth ultrasound. I can't wait for that. The baby should be bigger and kicking and showing off to us. Knowing that there is life inside of me and that it is part of me, has my genes and Jon's in it is totally crazy to think about. I love it! I'm getting excited and want to start looking at stuff for the baby, it is probably best if I don't do that yet.

Jon and I are on a mission to pay off our Yamaha bill, the moped that was stolen. Also, to get our credit cards down. Other then that we are doing pretty well, especially compared to others. I should be thanking God every day for my blessings in life, or the blessing of even having life. That is tough though :)

Friday, February 11, 2011

173 days to go...

can it warm up outside? I would be super duper excited if even it stayed at 30 degrees or so. It has been negative and lower for too long now, especially with the -20 to -30 some degrees wind chill. Talk about cold. A bit of green grass and flowers, the smell of fresh air from the open windows and patio would be fantastic! To be soaking up the sun with my baby belly...

So it is now 173 days until babies due date. Whoop whoop. The baby is making it so I can't suck in my fat anymore, it is now pushing it out and making me look big. We are now 15 weeks along, almost half way :) On Monday, Valentines day, we are going in to hear babies heart beat. I am super excited. I'm getting that mom thing happening and want to know everything is alright. Also, I hope to start feeling baby moving soon, I think I might have felt baby move, but I'm not for sure. When the time does come I will be excited.

Jon has been super duper busy. It's kind of annoying, he is just always doing something and when we do finally just get to chatting he has to get back to his homework. Dumb... He has had two assignments due every week for the past couple weeks. He has been staying late at school and then coming home and working on it until at least midnight.