Friday, May 18, 2007


and now one picture lay taken, done
while another is still waiting to be shot
the film lay like a virgin, untouched by light
unvalued the time will soon be gone

grass waves in the wind, now left behind
the present spinning under the tires
the dark unscathed horizon far ahead
as miles pass beneath, time will never rewind

I sit here in the room. things packed all around me in dissay. friendships just begun, now ended. the lay unknown. the tunnel still dark. light faintly twinkles at the end like a piece of clitter shining in the sun. some things have been finished, other just begun, and still there is more to come. life is waiting for me to live it; the journal awaits my writings. yet, the clock still spins in the same direction, passed the same numbers, over and over again. pictures untaken, life not experienced, its time to start living. goodbye

four out of five - done

the pic is one that i used for my presentation for sociology last week. oh that feels like forever ago.

i just finished the one more of my finals. im down four and have one left this afternoon from 3-5. the one i took this morning was my sociology, the one i need to do really well on. pray! hopefully, i think i did well, but i wont say for sure cause that always puts kinks in things. jon has two left this afternoon. he is thinking a 4.0 is on his way, except maybe for one class that will drop it. the professor is just bad rosenberg. yeah. so he will have all a's and then one b. i on the other hand am hopeing for a 3.5 gpa for this semester, if i actually get that, this semester i will have gotten the best grades yet since my surgery in five years ago. that is prety crazy. i think either way i should be above a 3.0 so that means here at UWS i have accumulated a gpa of higher than 3.0. ok, enough rambling. im prety excited about graduating with my AA degree tomorrow. i actually feel like i am getting somewhere in life. other than that, tonight is the pack up to get ready to move back down to the cities, work a bunch, make lots of money, and then move to denver at the end of july. fun

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

load off my shoulders

the load is on its way down... i got my sociology paper almost done, all i havee left is to do is fix a few things and add some more information about the women exclusion before the Chinese exclusion act of 1882. Then i have to finish my presentation about Chinese immigration. the pic of me, jon took while i was on my long sunday of writing the paper.

i turned in my game today. i think its ganna get a good grade; hopefully. psychology is an A for sure.

all that i have left are finals. exciting. Today is so beautiful, its around 70 degrees out and the sun is shining. a nap in the sun sounds so wornderful. beautiful, just beautiful. i feel so light and airy now that the load is down.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

chinese immigration to discrimination

woohoo, i am on page 6 of 10-15 in a sociology paper that i'm turning the rough draft in tomorrow. the title of my post is the same as the title of the paper, i think you get the point. along with that paper i finished a 5pg liturature paper that is due monday, i have a chem test on monday and a game for psychology on tuesday. im a little buzzed on the load, but i will make it. i was smart and got the game done early, finished lit paper yesterday, and now only have 4 1/2 pages left on the soc paper and then studying for chem. whoo. *sigh* i can do this!

around me i have 8 books strewed out open and notes lying around on the table and desk. its crazyness. yeppers