Saturday, January 29, 2011


talk about too much.

Erin and Aaron are now engaged. The wedding date is May 22 this year. I am going to be almost 30 weeks pregnant. In other words, I'm going to be a big fat girl in the wedding. She is having me be the maid of honor which is cool, whatever, I just don't know, I'm ganna look so ugly!

I talked to dad today, he said that g-ma Anderson has a bassinet that has been passed down and all of us kids and dad and his siblings have used. I like that, I love traditions and family items. So I am excited to see that.

On a bad note (besides me being a big fat prego girl in a tangerine colored dress at Erin's wedding) Dad told me that Joe and Rachael's friend Eric M. died of a drug overdose yesterday. He was a good friend of theirs. It makes me wonder what went through their head, if they are glad they are living with mom and dad and getting things together. This could be called a wake up call, super sad though.

Monday, January 17, 2011

11wks 4days

Today was our first doctors appointment. The nurse answered our questions, thankfully (heartburn and constipation stink!). Then, later, we had our first ultrasound.

The ultrasound was reassuring to know the baby is doing well with a strong heartbeat and kicking up a storm. Lots of emotions went through me as I looked at the ultrasound screen. It is just super crazy to know that I have a baby growing inside me. Some time here I will have my, oh my goodness, cry. I keep looking at the images and thinking how crazy reproduction is and having a baby growing inside of me.

Jon says that I am not alone anymore... I guess not for the next seven or so months.

To add to other things, Jon went with me to get the ultrasound. I am super glad that he did. But it was funny because I had to have a pap smear also and to do the ultrasound they did the up the vagina way... to say the least, he was wondering at first why they had a box of condoms on the cart with the machine. He soon found out. He also saw that huge metal thing they shove into us women to make sure we are doing fine down there. Men, some day they will understand what it is like, well, sort of. They do have to have other things done to them when they are older.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

talk about... cont...

talk about sad, I was excited today when I had my third day in a row with a bowel movement. It has been months since that has happened. Research says it probably has to do with the prenatal vitamins with all the iron and stuff. I think that the eating pears and exercising every day really helps. Physical exercise that is, I do mental exercise every day and that's a fact.

That's about as interesting as I get these days. I start back up with the spring season and Lifetouch tomorrow; not horribly excited about that. Money is money though. Hopefully that job will be able to get us through. My school loan bills finally made it to me, sadly. I about had a breakdown when I looked at how much we have to pay each month. We are going to have to apply for the low income payback status. We also got a bill from the Doctors and it is around three hundred dollars. All those expenses together are more than one of our pay checks and that isn't even all of our bills. We are going to have a serious re-look at our spending and make sure that none of it goes to waste, not that much does now anyways. It is time to tighten the belt one more notch, ok 5 (not physically, I am slowly enlarging with that baby that we made, it just seems to keep growing, silly huh). That's that.

I have taken a deep breath, time to unwind, not think about all the things we have to do. Lovems, bye

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

talk about...

talk about ready for a new season. I am soooo ready. Here in Fargo, ND we have already received over 50 inches of snow. That is way beyond normal. Talk about flooding! I don't want to have to deal with that, not fun. The upside of lots of snow and super cold temps (it's not supposed to be above 0 for a few days now) is that today the snowflakes were huge and fluffy. They were so big and gorgeous, you could see with the naked eye a lot of detail in those cold creations.

Babywise, we are coming up on 11 weeks. Next Monday is our ultrasound. I am getting excited and so is Jon. It will be nice to know that squirt (as mom has referred to the baby as) is doing well. I have been feeling this weird stretch or something from my groin up to my waist on the left side. I wish I could feel the baby moving, I want to know that squirt is growing and enjoying my warmth as I try to stay warm in this crazy Fargo land. Yep yep *sigh* thankfully I have a cat on either end of my body keeping me warm and cozy. They have been brats though lately, especially coco. He has been driving me nuts!!! Though, he is quite useful when it comes to body heat in the winter, not so much in the hot, humid summers though. Those summer days will be coming and I will be big and jolly with child, haha.

Monday, January 03, 2011

oh dear

I just feel so overwhelmed. Can I just cry for a bit, maybe it will make me feel better.

What should I do about jobs? Can we make it if I don't go back with Lifetouch for as many hours as before? How would I deal with the YMCA job? GOOD GRIEF!!! I hate having two jobs, especially one that isn't consistent and the other that pays me squat. Talk about sucky. Again, can I just cry a bit now.

Also, I want the ultrasound to be here already. I would like to know that this being growing inside of me causing me random pains and nausea has a heart beat and is doing well.