Saturday, December 31, 2005

caught up in the mix

so my sister got me a few puzzles for christmas. i have just been working on it for the past 3 or so hours. they are addicting. and the puzzle isnt a normal one. it is one where there is pictures within the picture...

Sunday, December 25, 2005

making caramel corn

me making caramel corn with the family on christmas.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

phone-camera pics

the pic of the sunset is from the way home from college. the one of me is the make a wish tree thing i was talking about and the last one is firehouse mya. i gave that hat to her. actually i had two and she stole the second one out of my room the other day.


sorry it has taken me so long to write. i attempted to write the other day but my computer than kicked me off the internet and lost the whole long message i had written so i decided to give up. maybe i will write about what has been going on in another post, but im tired now even though it is only 9:24. i dont know why i feel more tired when i am at home. but whatever, i think im ganna fix my bed and then climb into it for a nice rest.

today not much happened. i went to lake country homes and did some file work for tami. it is a nice way to get money. i worked for at least 4 hours, and it went by prety fast. money is money. then when i finally got home, after waiting 40 minutes for my mom to pick me up (this sucks) i sat in the porch and worked on my puzzle.

then my fam and i and beccah too went to mall of america because make a wish was putting on a thing called stories of lights. i was one of 50 children chosen to be shown on a christmas tree. on the tree that was placed in camp snoopy was a picture of me and my story with what my wish was.

after finding the tree we ate some overly expensive dinner and then erin, beccah, and i ditched my parents and mya and walked around the mall for a few hours. we found some cool stuff. i didnt really buy too much. i bought two shirts. erin got this really cute purse (if that is how you spell that, sorry i am illiterate). i actually found it but she bought it. but cool anyways. that is prety much all that happened today. im kinda bored of home. i think it is worse because i have to rely on my parents to drive me around everywhere. then again if i did have my car i wouldnt even be home that much over break. oh well...

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

the procession starts

everyone is starting to round down on finals and is getting life in the dorms packed up. skye and john just left in the roaring wind and flying snow. it will be weird not to have the people around. i leave this friday after my chemistry final.

jon is on his way here last message i got from him, he was just passing sheridan. so its only a few more hours until he and his friend, Dema, gets here. anyways. erin is packing, i have to start writing that paper about my "bad" conduct that is due tomarrow. get some more chemistry studying done. fall semester is coming to an end. wow, that felt long as we went through it, but now that it is over i look back and feel like it was short. onward i shall go....

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

firehouse friends

the lights is Pinocchio's whale that he was stuck in, the one girl is Jill. what a beauty. the sepia pic is Shelli (Velly), and Jill. (shelli is my siamese twin, we arent stuck together though, we are velcrowed together. hahah. inside story)

college finals

i have finished two finals. my english comp and psyc. i got an 80% on my psyc. that is prety good. better than i have done on my other tests in that class. and english, i dont know. probably another D. it seems as if that is all Dr. King can give me. And the in class paper for the final was prety dumb. at 1:15 is when i start my math final. i am not too excited about that. i havent done too much studying for that. i know that i am going to pass the class either way, no matter what i get on the final. i have such a bad attitude.

i told erin that i cant wait to delete aleks off my favorites list. that will be exciting. i am not going to have withdrawls from that. not at all.

so yesterday i almost got my eyebrow pierced. i dont know though. i dont want a scar if i take it out and i dont know, the money and stuff. it would be quite a bit-o-money. maybe i will. i am going to think about it some more.

on sunday i went to rapid with some of my friends and we went to calvary baptist church there because lydia's dad is the inbetween pastor while they find a new one. i dont really know what i thought about the church. it was diff. than what i am used to. they told me that the service was a bit diff. than it normally is. so i wont come to any conclusions yet. after church we went to this really good pizza place. then we to the mall to see if icings did body piercings because brianna wants her nose pierced. her and i had a good conversation about that. then we went over to borders book in the city and hung out there for at least 3 hours. it was fun. i didnt really accomplish any studying like i had planned. john spears was hilarious. that kid cracks me up. the night before lydia had told us about the two ways of holding hands. one means just friends and the other is intimate. so john and the rest of the group kept holding hands, joking around. it was prety funny i do have to admit, a group of 4 all holding hands as you walk through borders books.... yeah ok, maybe you had to be there.

after borders we went to eat at this place called firehouse brewing co. it was really good and fun. we met up with john potter, erin, skye, and brad there. so there was then 12 of us kids. then the big group of us stuffed back into the cars and rode of to Storybook Island. Storybook Island is a park with all kinds of storybook playground equiptment that was covered with christmas lights. it was prety cool. shelli and i ditched the group and then brad came and joined us. we all said it would be more fun to do during the day with no christmas lights on. cause then you could climb on all the cool playground stuff. we are going to go there another time this spring probably.

after storybook island we went to culvers and got some ice cream, then headed back to the dorms. once at the dorms shelli and i showed brad our virgin vault dorm, humbert. we only had 10 minutes left before he had to get out of there because visitor hours end at midnight. so we went outside and hung out around the bench. we had some great conversation. God just totally used that night. it was so great to actually have a real deep conversation with someone from CV. there was some joking around too, obviously it was the three of us crazy kids. brad told us how he got to know God and some other things. i really enjoyed the night. God is totally awesome. I am really glad i have friends like them.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Its done and over

yesterday was my last day of classes before finals. i'm so excited. well kinda, now i have to study study study.

last night was the christmas party at the ministry house. i went caroling for the first time in my life (at least i think it was the first time, that i can remember). my feet got so cold that i couldnt feel them when we were walking around town. we only say for 3 or 4 houses because no one was home. then we went back and warmed up, ate some food, and played games. funny, the christmas story was broken up into 5 parts and was given to diff. groups. each group had to act it out under the precept of what was writen on the card. one group had to act it out as ninjas, my group was pirates, another cowboys. it was the funniest thing i have seen. i laughed so hard. when i get my pictures developed i will post some.

after that melany and i took out our cameras and played around with them. that was fun. shelli followed us around. she really likes to take pics too. i ove those girls.

when we got back from the ministry house erin started wraping a few of her christmas gifts and shelli hung out in our room. we found some really funny sayings for my door (i put a new quote on the white board on my door each week). the one that is on there now is, "If it weren't for electricity we'd be watching TV by candle light." by George Gobel. another was, "save energy, fart in a jar." that one i put on shana's blog. hahah. we had a good laugh. then we went down to jenny's room started writing on her board, but then her roommmate opened the door. we went in the room i climbed on her bed and pounced ontop of her sleeping body. she hardly moved. oh then shelli and i ran from her room. laughing our butts off. i thought jenny was going to kill me today. no, she hasnt yet. and yes, i have talked to her.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Girls Night Out

these are the awesome girls i hung out with last night. lol. they are painting their toenails. (sorry just have to laugh)

from right to left. Jill, Skye, and Lydia. what babes!

a night at the Arries

yesterday was awesome. i prayed that God would just keep me awake during my classes. i finished my in class paper, i dont really know how well i did. but i hope that it is at least a C. he is a tuff grader. then i made it through my last speech class. Hip Hip horray!! and last of all i had psych, i was sad to leave that class. i really like it and find it interesting.

i then attempted to work on Aleks but i didnt get too far. i am on all the hard ones. Aleks was due last night at seven. i got up to 141 out of 153 so that is a low A. thats still good, i could have done better though.

after my Aleks fest shelli came in my room and jenny had just stopped and talked to us in her bath robe on her way to take a shower. shelli and i got her good. some of the other friends have turned the knob in the shower by reaching around the shower curtain and sneaking their arms into the shower. so me and shelli, being brilliantly mean, went into the shower and did that to jenny. it was funny cause she didnt say a word you could just see her push the shower curtain. shelli and i then ran, not like jenny was going to chase us or anything cause she was naked, shelli sliped because her shoes were wet and she smacked her knee on the hard tile floor of the bathroom. ouch. ok bla bla then shelli and i went to my room which is diagonal from the bathroom and laughed it out. then got quiet as jenny came out. jenny looked at the two of us, pointed at shelli and said that that was mean. she said it had gotten really hot. sad, but funny. we got a good laugh out of that. i love those two girls. they are my favs in my dorm! they are riots to hang out with and just make my day all the time. and its cool cause we just are tight and can be serious one minute then laughing it out the next. I'm so blessed to have them as friends. i love it, indeed i do.

last night was a girls night out for the CV girls. it was held at the Arries. that was much fun. we drove over there and hung out. ate some food. yesterday was the first time i had ever eaten chili. it wasnt bad, not something i would eat every day though. the lady of the house, Linda, she is so sweet. it was for sure a girls night out. they painted my toe nails, and Linda gave me a great foot masage. it felt so good. shelli and i are siamese twins, we have been since last friday at the ministry house. we both arent the most girly chicks. i think that is one of the first times i have done that. then we put on face mask things. it felt weird to move my face around or even smile cause it was hardend on my face. good laughs. after all the fun we then sat down talked about first kisses, funny "boyfriend" stories too (when i say boyfriend i mean the ones back in elementry, junior high, and high school. the 3 hour relationships). there was some funny things told. i wont share with you that though. you had to be there.

after Jill and Lisa went to bed, the rest of us, Bri, Lydia, Skye, Shelli, and i just talked about church, God, beliefs, and so on. it was just so encouraging. Bri worked at Lone Tree Bible Ranch where i went the summer before high school. it was so cool the stories we shared. What i really liked was that she knows who i am talking about. for example, Joe and Brody. she remembers the church affiliated with the one i went with, Buffalo Covenant. it was really cool. she rememberd when Joe fell and almost died and it i liked how she knows how Godly they are and how they are so hungry for God and encouraging people. I loved it! we talked about the devil how one day at camp.... and the wind and how satan was in the wind at Lone Tree... good stories, but long so i wont share.

All in all last night was great, God is totally doing something in this group of people. i cant wait for the Alfici Bible study next semester, and Fuel. Just everything that God is doing on campus.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Terry Peak

tonight was the greatest night ever here at college. God is so awesome!!!! At 6 o'clock i left for terry peak in mikes car with jackie following close behind us. it was cool to ride with mike because i learned more about him and we listened to some good music. he has good tastes. anyways, i learned that mike grew up in California until his parents got divorced then he moved to Casper Wyoming with his father because his grandparent live there so his dad wanted to be near them. i learned a few other things also.

when we got to the condo we ate and played games then jack, the leader, brought us all into a circle and said a persons name and people were to say encouraging things about them. that was awesome it took over 2 hours to get through everyone because there was so much to say. the was so encouraging to hear what other people saw in other people. it just really showed me how encouraging everyone can be and that they see something in you that you cant see in yourself. just a total thing from God to do that tonight. Some things said about me was that i am like the glue in CV always going and supporting it. also erin just told me how much of answer to prayer i was to her, not being a partier and how awesome our late night talks on the bunk are. how much they mean to her. i totally feel the same way about her too. mike and bri said that it is cool that i look at the little things in life, like on the way there i was talking to mike and i just said how beautiful it is to see the canyon at night when the moon is shining through the trees and glowing on the snow. how could some one deny God when they see that. i was just so encouraged by everyone and all the great things we had to say to eachother. I hope God just keeps us all together even when we get busy with work and school.

during that we called shelli and chris because they both werent able to go. shelli had a track meet and chris had to work. so we called them and just told them how much of a blessing they are to us and so on... like we had there in the group. it so lifted up their day. both were really wishing they were able to go and stressed out because of finals week.

after that we hung out in little groups, some people went swiming and some of us, me, just sat around and talked with the other people. i learned that Bri and Skye both went to Lone Tree Bible Ranch the same year that i did. Bri worked there. That is the place I met jon and it was one of the greatest times of my life.

Then we came together again and sang a bunch of worship songs. to see God's power and majesty there in that room was amazing. How we were all praising the same one and only true God. Our voices brought together. i cant explain to you how cool it was and encouraging to have a group together that strong in God and seeking after Him. I just cant explain.

It was a great night all in all. one of the best i have ever had in a long time. the friendships and hearts for God that these kids have is awesome. Seek God with all your heart mind and soul!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

some more pics

another day in the life of Carrie

i woke up this morning thinking that today was thursday. boy was i wrong. this week feels like it is going kinda slow. last week went by really fast. but i guess time is time and it isnt really going by fast or slow it is all in the mind. 7 school days left until christmas break!! hip hip horray!

so i am trying to get my last in class essay ready for tomarrows english class. i have no clue what to write. this is my leas favorite movie that we have seen in the class and i went to rent the video and checked both movie places in town and neither of them had it so that must mean that the movie sucks. but oh well i have to get the intro and outline done for class.

I just got finished with my last math class. that is so exciting. after this i dont have to do anymore aleks and no more math classes in college! so i have a final for every class left, and two days left of school left that i have to go to class. and no final next thursday so that is when im ganna pack and get ready to leave, while studying for my chem final of friday, ya know. ahhhh!!!

so i am having fun rambling on. oh hey tonight i think i might go to the party for the freshmen bible study. we are going to go to Jack's condo at Terry Peak. fun fun. i heard there is swimming and stuff. exciting i really want to go but i shouldnt cause of the stuff that is due tomarrow. whatever! i think im ganna go anyways. an experience for a lifetime. . .

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

one of the most rockin days

last night i could not fall asleep for the life of me so i finished reading to each his own. so because of the lack of sleep i didnt want to get up for my boring english comp class. the class wasnt as bad as normal today and plus i got my paper back from the other day. the inclass paper that i forgot to turn in when class was done and found it in my backpack later that night. the one i turned in by putting a not in the folder and shoving it under his door. well anyways, i got it back today as i was saying and i got a 75! oh my gosh. that is awesome compared to the D+ and D- that i got on the last papers. that gives me hope! then in speech we got out early and i also got my speech back from last thursday, i thought i wouldnt get anything better than a C but i ended up getting a B. which is totally awesome. so that gives me a low B in that class. another good thing that happened is that yesterday there was no school and yesterday is when we were supposed to take our chem. lab final. so i went and talked to Mrs. Z and she said that we dont have to do it. the final is optional, so i got an 87% in that class. not bad. so im not doing as bad as i had thought for my first half of my freshman year in college. so maybe i will get a C average. about the same as i got most of my way through high school. not bad. i actaully feel like college isnt a whole lot harder than high school, especially meadow creek. but yeah. i dont maybe my opinion on that will change as my classes get harder. we shall see.

only eight days of school left before i leave for christmas break. . . and next week i only have one final monday, two on tuesday, one wednesday, none on thursday, and my last one on friday at 11:30. then i'm on my way back home for break!!! party on. i'm so excited!

Monday, December 05, 2005


so this morning at like 7:30 i heard skye nocking at our door and i was like, "no way am i ganna get up and answer the door, its too early. i will pretend i am still sleep." so an hour later after erin got up she came in saying, "carrie anderson!" and went on saying that we have no school today!!!! we all partied!!!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

i miss minnesota. this picture was taken near the police department in minneapolas. they have some prety crazy art around the cities. i like it! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, December 01, 2005

1st of the year

oh my gosh, that was totally rockin. i just went with my friends heather, shana, jenna, and kali and we went and did doughnuts in the snow at the old walmart parking lot here in town and then had a snowball fight in the car. yes... in the car! that was so funny. oh my gosh those chicks crack me up. yeah forever funny...


11 more days of school left before break. that is including finals week!!!! i'm so excited, i just cant hide it. i'm so ready to finish some of my classes... ok so most of them. the only one im ganna miss is chemistry because i really like proffesor hightower and psyc cause it is the most interesting one of the semester.
so i gave my speech today. dont think i did too well. and i took the quiz, that i probably failed. but look on the bright side, i got it done with, the load is off my shoulders.
Now i think i might just work on Aleks and start studying some for my chem and psyc final. im afraid to be honest. but did i tell you on my last chem test i got 88%. that wasnt quite bad at all. but on the flip side, with my inclass english paper on tuesday, i put it back into my backpack and then found it in there later that night. so in other words, i forgot to turn it in cause i was in such a hurry. so yesterday i wrote a note and shoved it under his door to his office. i guess i will see what happens. i was just bulling it throught the whole paper. im so sick of english comp. im kinda excited for a new proffesor next semester for comp 2. alright, here i go, off to do some Aleks...