Saturday, December 10, 2005

Its done and over

yesterday was my last day of classes before finals. i'm so excited. well kinda, now i have to study study study.

last night was the christmas party at the ministry house. i went caroling for the first time in my life (at least i think it was the first time, that i can remember). my feet got so cold that i couldnt feel them when we were walking around town. we only say for 3 or 4 houses because no one was home. then we went back and warmed up, ate some food, and played games. funny, the christmas story was broken up into 5 parts and was given to diff. groups. each group had to act it out under the precept of what was writen on the card. one group had to act it out as ninjas, my group was pirates, another cowboys. it was the funniest thing i have seen. i laughed so hard. when i get my pictures developed i will post some.

after that melany and i took out our cameras and played around with them. that was fun. shelli followed us around. she really likes to take pics too. i ove those girls.

when we got back from the ministry house erin started wraping a few of her christmas gifts and shelli hung out in our room. we found some really funny sayings for my door (i put a new quote on the white board on my door each week). the one that is on there now is, "If it weren't for electricity we'd be watching TV by candle light." by George Gobel. another was, "save energy, fart in a jar." that one i put on shana's blog. hahah. we had a good laugh. then we went down to jenny's room started writing on her board, but then her roommmate opened the door. we went in the room i climbed on her bed and pounced ontop of her sleeping body. she hardly moved. oh then shelli and i ran from her room. laughing our butts off. i thought jenny was going to kill me today. no, she hasnt yet. and yes, i have talked to her.

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