Monday, February 19, 2007

rock starts

where do rock stars shop?

so jon and i volunteered at 3 degrees on saturday and the lead singer from pillar came in with a bag from macys and herbergers. we thought it was funny. you never know where a rock star shops.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

i like it

these are some odds and ends i have taken lately. some are at wisconsin point others in colorado springs and some here at UWS. enjoy

Thursday, February 08, 2007


exited? why wouldnt i be

hey, update: jon and i are leaving for colorado later this afternoon. tomorrow i get to go visit AiC! i'm prety enthused about that. i cant believe my dreams are coming true. how awesome is that. jon is taking the scholarship test at Regis University on saurday. it will be cool to see that campus. from the pictures it looks really beautiful. i will for sure bring my camera. other than that, i just have a lot of odds and ends to do for other classes over the weekend. also i am working on a comic for the paper, i will scan it and put it on here hopefully later today or soon. my last little part of the comic just isnt turning out the way i want it to. God willing, i will be able to get it right. i'm enjoying doing the papers comics and doing all the picture, especially the hockey pics. it is very fun. i cant wait to get out on the proff. field of photography and start it all, well and im excited for next year at AiC. its going to be a lot of work, but well worth it. another good thing that has happened, jon has a job for the summer through the green house and i have two job offers, one for Richard and the other for the green house. i think im ganna do the one with Richard, i will be a secretary at the local airport. exciting, alright, gatta get my comic done...

Friday, February 02, 2007

thats true

so jon and i stayed up late talking about whatever last night. it was great. while doing that i was reminded how much i love him. thing are diff. now that we live together and have said our vows. i dont ever want to forget the feeling i had before when i got to see him. like when i visited him at rockey, how i would get nervous and then i would see him and salivate (ok, just joking on the salivating thing). its a totally different kind of love but both are great. i want to always remember that, aka: that is why i rambled on in this post.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

1 month!

silver bay all way!! (thats what the miner statue thing is from)

it has now been one month that jon and i have been married. it is going great. so far only one lame argument that i started. it was a dumb topic and it was not cool. other than that news, i started woking out again today. horray! i have been meaning to start that forever, my hope is that i keep it going. it just isnt as cool without my workout buddy - jenny.

also, another thing to mention is that i am really enjoying classes. getting excited to pass them with a great and valient A (hopefully). ok, the explanation for using valient is because my english proff. was talking on how we should write at a standard level. but hey, i like big words every once in a while. its good stuff! along with that point, i have gotten lots of work to do mostly reading and small meaningless assignments while jon the big math ed major hasnt gotten much at all. he has gotten a few pre-lab assignments for physics and yesterday got his first for diffy-q but no calc 3 or anything. so while i have been trying to study he has been much of a distraction. not as bad the last few days because i havent been around him much. he is tutoring twice a day every day but tuesday which is his lab day and on wednesdays he is tutoring 3 times. he puts in a total of 9.5 hours a week on that.

while on the subject of jon, oh boy do i love him so much. its crazy how much i love him. it grows every day (this may sound crazy, but when you find what i have found you will feel the same sappy way). it is funny how just little things will remind me of him and then my heart starts to smile :)

ok and here are a few more pictures that i have done lately (or if i am in them than a friend has done), they are for your eyes delight. other than that, i need to get going and start writing the article i'm doing for the paper this week. its due tomorrow ot 5. ahh!! nah, it should be great. peace...