Tuesday, November 29, 2005

it sunk.

so jenny and i walk in dorms after CV and hilary tells jenny that she has to tell her something. she pulls her into the upstairs lobby and says.... thats your sink. so sitting infront of us was a sink. i guess star sat on it and it fell so she has no sink in her room. funny but sad.

Monday, November 28, 2005

a few bad pics of today.

so they arent that cool and you cant really see the snow but i just thought i would put them on here for my own enjoyment.

the first real snow of the year

they call minnesota weather bad, south dakota is just as bad. i talked to my roomie, erin and skye and they said the only college open in this state is ours. the snow is really coming down. jon came back last night, I-90 was from sheridan to billings was closed, and so he stayed with john potter. tony's friend lacy stayed with me, and erin stayed in mitchell. Jon said he will wait until this afternoon to see how the weather is, i would rather he stayed safe and stayed here. missing classes is less important then staying safe. i just talked to skye and she said that all the roads are closed. i'm praying.

minnesota is just diff. driving in the snow. maybe because i'm a city girl and they clean the roads prety ok. also, i dont know. its just diff. maybe because its just home.

i guess i will see what happens. pray for the best. and see if classes are going to be canceled. i kinda hope that lab is canceled tonight. that would be awesome. but yeah check in later, and stay safe in the blizzard!

Sunday, November 27, 2005


so i didnt go home for thanksgiving. jon came here to my college and we just hung out on campus and around town. he got here on thursday night when there was only me, ashly, and one other person in my dorm. that was just weird to only have a few people here. the dorm was just vacant.
i sat around until jon got here. actually i didnt sit around i rode my bike up to k-mart which is over 3 miles up and down some nasty hills. yeah i made it. it was an interesting hike. jon arived around 9:30 and we just hung out for the rest of the evening. checked him into pangburn where he stayed in one of the visitor rooms.
one day we watched some movies, went to deadwood and walked around, hung out in the dorm, my favorite night was when we just talked. we had some great things to talk about. some i just needed to get off my chest. it was good. today we went to church and then hung out around the dorms until he left.
he called me about an hour ago and said he got into the ditch by dodging a truck so he was waiting for a tow truck to get him out. then he just called me and said that I-90 from sheridan to billings is closed. so now he is on his way back here. i dont know what to do. this is crazy. im really glad that he is safe. i told him i was praying for him and before he left that he should drive safe because shana told us the roads are prety bad. what a life. if only it could be easier. whatever. i guess we will just have to face it day by day. i hope he gets back safe... and everyone else too.
erin just called me and said she is staying in mitchell tonight and coming out tomarrow. icky weather!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


im not going home. im sitting here watching everyone else pack up their stuff, bring it to their car, and drive away. and im here in my dorm room thinking of home. i miss home and now i have 3 or 4 more weeks until christmas break. not that its going to be horrid staying here because jon is coming but i just right now want to go home.
i am really excited to see jon though. i cant wait. i wish he could just be zapped here. that would make is so much easier. here in humbert i think i am the only student who is staying. there are the two RAs that are staying to "watch" the people who are staying. but since there arent really any besides me, that sucks. whatever. come on jon, please come soon...

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


I just wanted to say how awesome our tuesday Fuel get together was for CV. it was just awesome. God is so good. Just wanted to share that. It was on renewing the mind. some verses we looked at were Galations 2:20 "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but CHrist lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loed me and gave himself for me." and Romans 12:1-2. "Therefore, I urge you brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God-this is your spiritual act of worship. " (dont just take my word, read them and see what the verses around them say. check it out!)
some key things Jack talked about was
-choose daily to be a slave of Christ
-real worship is not just singing but laying it down your day for God
-Don't let feelings rule (like the fact, faith, feelings train. the fact is the engine, faith is the middle, and feelings are last-the caboose.)
Isaiah 26:8 "Yes, Lord, walking in the way or your laws, we wait for you; your name and reown are the desire of our hearts."

oh and i was thinking. be thankful for what God has done in your life. thank the major influences, they may need that encouragement.
Another verse God gave me was John 15:3-4

Sunday, November 20, 2005

oh jenny. i knew you loved me! lol (i miss high school) Posted by Picasa

almost break

only three days left until thanksgiving break! God bless the pilgrims for there voyage so that we can get a few days off of school. haha. i cant wait for the break. its going to be really nice. just relaxing and then only a few more weeks and finals till christmas break. its coming sooner each day. exciting! im ready for a break from school. i am actually really excited for my new classes next spring. i have 16 credits but 8 classes. thank God two of them are only once a week classes and that my wellness class and lab are only half the cemester. so yeah. oh i am taking band this spring. that aught to be interesting. i am excited yet i dont know what to do. i have to rent a bass clarinet or something. or else i am going to play the b flat clarinet. so i dont know like i said. i have just fooled around with the clarinet not really played, played, it. i dont know if i am good enough. that is what i am honestly afraid of. but anyways. i need to get over it and stop thinking about the future.

so today i went to church and it was all fun and dandy. i walked over to the young center where the church is held with jenny and shelli. what awesome girls. then i read prety much all afternoon and finished the book i had been hopping to finish this weekend. so i am happy for myself there. then around 6:00 shelli and i went to the ministry house to meet up with some other people ot go to the Arris house. that was so much fun. we went to their house, which was really nice. they were a couple in their 40s and i loved it. we ate some turkey and some other good food then went and played a card game called nerd. i really like that game. then we got them to tell us how they got engaged and then jody and i talked to them. it was just awesome. im really glad that i went. she then sent some of the leftovers back to the dorm with us. lol

yesterday a group of girls and i hung out and alicia and amanda's appartment. that was much fun also. we watched polar express. i didnt like the movie that much. it was ok though. then we started to watch princess bride. funny funny, especially if you are with the right people and that group of girls suited the movie quite well. before we started the movies we talked a bit though and had some pizza. great times. i really liked this weekend. just beautiful and exciting. God is awesome!

i hope next weekend is this nice out. just beautiful today. i went around town skateboarding. it was fun but not the most interesting because i was alone. oh last weekend i went on a road trip with Amanda, Alicia, Jill, and me. we went to st. paul and saw a relient k, mxpx, and rufio concert at the roy wilkings auditorium. i will share more on that later when i have time. it was much fun and great memories though!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Across the Way

I stand at the edge of the harbor
Looking down at the blue liquid
Waves humming a proverbial tune
Reaching down to the water
It laps softly against my hand
Its cool breath caresses morning

Breathing in the moist air
Tasting the pleasure of early dew
The wind slowly walking past
I catch but a breeze of its presence

Glancing up at the pink mist
Blushing, the sun slowly shows its face
Covering the horizon’s scope
The pleasure reaches my soul
Sending a quiver down my spine
I hold onto the image

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

this is a pic of me. i just thought it was interesting Posted by Picasa

unknown excitement

life is like stepping into a lake, there are unknown drops.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

the terrible Tuesday

HORRAY! the terrible tuesday is over. thank God. i had to do my speech, which i dont think i did too bad on and then i had a quiz in speech which i biffed. then i had my psyc. test which i got a 66%. that isnt good. i dont know if i am going to take it over again. im kinda afraid to. over half the questions i got wrong were the ones that i changed when i was checking over my test. ick, that sucks. i hate that. im never doing that again. but anyways now im just ganna relax and go to Fuel for CV tonight and just thank God that it is over. Life is hard, but it is still good. check ya later.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

ministry house

today was a good day. i was happy just to wake up and know that it was friday. what a great feeling. i, like every friday, only had chemistry and math class. mmmmhmmmm. nice!

i dont really have any reason why today was such a good day. but it was. i went to class, got my test results for my second chem test. i got a 60%, i thought i had done better than that. made some stupid mistakes. i hate that! whatever, i will try and do better my next few tests. oh yeah next week on tuesday i have both a speech, speech quiz, and a psyc test. so we shall see how that goes.

anyways after classes today erin and i chilled out and watched a bit of tv. then i just sat around for a bit while she was at the b-ball game. cool. then we went to the ministry house together. there we sat around. i talked to jenny, she is so sweet! i love that girl. im quite content with the people i have found here. they are so awesome especially the pps from CV.

Its cool, all week erin and i have been getting along really well and just hangin out a lot. we have stayed up late talking, took a two hour nap together (well at the same time), and just been laughing a lot together. its great! i hope it stays like this. i feel more comfortable around her when we are like this. anyways. its friday night and still early. if i go to bed now it will be the earliest ive gone to bed all week. crazy! but i just might do that.

i miss jon! we have only really talked over msn and yeah i wish i could talk to him face-face. i'm missing him more than ever. i feel like i am being a pain always talking to him online though. kind just getting anoying or something. probably not true but im just saying how i feel. i so wish we just went to the same college. also i dont like how nonpersonal our conversations are online, always the same. yes it is cool that we talk but.... its just not (like i already said) as cool as it would be if we could at least see eachother. I dont want to be the anoying girlfriend though that always has to know what is going on. i just want to be with him. be able to laugh and chill together. not just type to eachother, "yeah my day is going well/ok/good/fine, how are you doing?" ya know what i mean? i miss him.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

this is a pic that i played with the color. its prety cool. it was fun.  Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

enough is enough

ahhhh!! I'm ready for a break. Today at the end of math class in the lab, Aleks gives me another assessment. The last one nocked me back quite a bit. Then I took another one and it put me back up to 77 but still that is way back there. so now I have to work on that. I also have been putting off my paper for english. tomarrow we have an in class essay.
other than that, the day has been going by well. last night Jill talked me into going to the movies in town here with some other kids. quite a big group actually. we went and saw elizabethtown. it was good. the begining was weird. but i like the end the best. Jill is so good to me. it totally made my day. alright. im ganna go take a nap, im naughty. sleep is needed though so that i can think clearly.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


wow, i forgot how anoying college apps. are. they are so blasted long and some are just down right confusing. so jon and i have been talking about colleges for the past few months. talking about going to the same college. so we both filled out an application for University of Wisconsin, Superior. It isnt too far from Duluth. in a good location. then he also put in an app for BHSU. so i guess we just sit and wait. see what happens.
I honestly dont know which one I want more. to stay here or to go to U of W. Both colleges are in very beautiful areas but the thing about U of W is that it is closer to home, only a few hours compared to 10.
The thing about changing is that I feel like I have started new so many times. Changing schools at least 3 times in the first 12 years. Changing high schools. I kinda want to settle down. stay in one place. if i change next year, i dont wan to change ever again. But it will be really exciting to go to the same college as Jon.
anyways i better get going to dinner and then I'm off to CV. then i need to study for me chem test. hopefully i do well on that. i'm ganna pass this class for me and no one else. to prove to myself that i can do it. oh man then i have to start on my intro for the in class paper for english comp. then i have to start my speech and studying for psych test on tuesday. what a load. kinda stressed, i will admit. i'm not ganna let it get to me though. i just cant.