Saturday, May 07, 2011

it's coming out

Oh my goodness, the mommy in me is coming out. I just made Jon take his water bottle out with him while he plays folf to stay hydrated. This is going to have to stop now!

Thursday, May 05, 2011


Oh my goodness, I am at 27wks. Wasn't it just yesterday that we found out I was pregnant. Well, I'm not quite sure everything has soaked in yet. Baby kicking around inside me and not being able to get comfortable because of a big belly does help me realize that yes, this is truly going to happen. For the time being though I am enjoying being just a wife. Okay, I haven't really had too much bonding time with Jon because he is in dead week this week and has take home finals due next week. Thankfully, his schedule is much less next fall which will be fantastic with a new baby and all the changes taking place in our lives.

Alright, here is a question, anyone know any ways to save good money on everyday things? We already buy a lot of no name brand items from toilet paper to noodles. Those coupon websites seem to sell your email address and I don't like that. I do want to save money. We have been watching our budget even more lately (not that we haven't previously). Now that I am not on the road that will take some expenses out.

Well, I guess. Here goes another day.