Thursday, May 26, 2005

oh dont we look goofy! thats great though, just great. what a great night banquet was. Posted by Hello

me at banquet, i look like a little girl. silly me! Posted by Hello

Wednesday, May 25, 2005


last night was so great at work. i was not looking forward to going to work at holiday. and i did yep. there was a few new people training in. there was also a girl from the elk river store. she was great. funny girl. we ended up talking when i was on break. yeah yeah yeah, she was supposed to be working but whatever. anyways we were talking and she told me she had had a brain tumor. which is really cool cause i had one three years ago too. we kept talking and we had some agreement on things about surgery and so on. we also have a few other things in common too. that was really cool. totally a God thing! we gave eachother our phone numbers. i do hope that we end up talking again. i have been praying that i would find someone who could actually understand me in that area. people may try to understand, but they cant about the surgery and just life after it. yeah exciting. lator gator!

Monday, May 23, 2005


every day, every moment, every action in life is adding a block to your big stack of blocks. every little thing big or small is adding a red or yellow, or even blue block. things go good or bad. you will never see until the end though the huge fortress you made out of events in life.
i just dont know how to deal with life right now. im comin to an end here really soon which is very exciting but scary too because that means i am coming to the beging of another. i am frightened and dont know how to let anyone know that. i am enthused. i have three days left here of highschool. everyday i have not lived to its fullest potential as i should have. i fell as if i have let my self down in a way by not allowing life to come in its full degree.
i am also very happy and ready for a new start in life. its onward to college. out to black hills state university in spearfish south dakota.
ok another thing in life, sorry i just have to tell someone. is that i feel jipped. ok so we went to china to pick up mya about a month ago. i love her very much so. but now where did my parents go? ya know i need them too. it seems as if every time in my life when i need someone there ecspecially my parents they are busy with something else. never having enough time or dont even tell me they are proud of me or say that i did something well or am doing something well.
for a while in junior high, one of the hardest times in my life they were all thinking about joe and everthing going on then and then it was the church when i changed schools. they didnt understand. and now on one of my peak moments in my life, i graduate and start the next step of my life, they have mya.
they didnt even say after my band/choir concert that i did a good job. i was in a trio, a step out of my box thing, and they didnt say anything about it. they didnt evern comment at all. i took a lot of the pictures for year book and did a good job at it. they dont even look at me. they just think it is funny that a lot of the pictures in the yearbook are in our yard. and now the board walk is getting "popular" or published.
every time i want to talk or what not a finger is put up telling me to wait or there is something else. no time.
time = love. how come? HOW COME?

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

buddah Posted by Hello

mr. cricket Posted by Hello

out the window of the hotel in GuangZhou. you could actually see the sky unlike Beijing. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

back at the temple Posted by Hello

Mya! Posted by Hello

in a temple near the jade market. the smoke is all the inscence.  Posted by Hello

off the road i took this pic. on the way to the jade market Posted by Hello

A little boy asking for money (yein) Posted by Hello

we flew over the beautiful Alaska Posted by Hello

just a day in the life of Carrie, IN CHINA

Thursday April 7th, 2005 -8:00
Flight to ChangSha

Last night wasnt the best. All I really did was sleep. Then mom and dad made me go down with them and eat dinner. I ordered Lasagnya. It wasnt bad but I wasnt feeling too good. Of my supper I only ate a few bites.
Later that night I woke up and threw up. That was nasty. Especially with no light. I ran to the bathroom with barf in my hands. Trying to keep it all in.
The hard beds and homesickness are getting to me now. Everything, even the fat cat Herman, I am missing. A few other people got sick too. One of the ladies is still not feeling too well.
Joy brought us to the airport. Around 6:00 we left the hote. When we got to the airport she handed out the tickets. I didnt get one! After that was acknowledged the hecticness began. Joy didnt have cash so she borrowed some from a few people in the group.
She then ran to buy a ticket. Then I had to go with her here and there. Thankfully dad went with me. I dont know what I would do without him.
While this was happening they sent everyone else on through the checkout to the gate to bored. We didnt have much time until we hat to get on the plane.
Dad and I followed Joy to a few different spots where she argued about the seat. Really I have no ideas what she was saying. I could have cried. My heart was racing.
When it finally got all together dad had Joy stand and wait to see us through the luggage check. We made it! That is as far as she could go with us.
Dad and I arrived at the gate a few minutes before we were to bored. Mom was crying and when they saw the two of us the group started applauding.
Never again, never again! Right before the bording call they stiched our gate from 33 to 43. The group and I ran downstairs and then rode a bus out to the plane. You know on movies they show people climbing a staris to get into the plane to get into the plane? Well, that was us.
In the plane dad and I switched places. He is now sitting in the far back seperated from the group. (where i was supposed to sit with my "new ticket") He is so nice for doing that for me.
Later today, we get Mya.

and the day went on. . .

one of my favorite pics. erin, on the moving walkway in the airport Posted by Hello

Buddy with some goodies on the plane Posted by Hello

just relaxing. really just attempting to in the few minutes i could.  Posted by Hello

the emotional bus ride back to the hotel in Changshou with Mya Posted by Hello

gotcha day. when we first got Mya Posted by Hello

GuangZhou, looking out over the third largest river in China.  Posted by Hello

GuangZhou Posted by Hello

Erin and me on the plane from Tokyo to Beijing Posted by Hello

Beijing, near the hotel.  Posted by Hello

out the hotel window in Beijing. the smog was that bad you could barely see the sun. Posted by Hello

the Great wall of China Posted by Hello

Saturday, May 14, 2005

once in a lifetime

ok ok.
man alive. every day is going by so slow. i cant believe it. i am so ready for summer. this year is just seeping by. anyways i only have nine days of school left and the graduation is on the 3rd.
ok so last night i worked and then went and met jon at the fleet farm in brooklyn park. kinda where i used to live. anyways we went to dena's house for her b-day party and chilled out there. it was cool. i got to see joe. i dont know if she is dating him again or what. that is sad we arent to tight anymore. we used to be best of friends in the earlier years.
afterward we hung out im my car in the parking lot at the fleeteth farm. yeah we had fun. i got my first kiss. crazy, on friday the 13th.
alright later dudes

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

a joke

what do you call a tick on the moon. . .

a looner-tick
hahahahah funny!

Monday, May 09, 2005


hey, lots of stuff is going on right now for me. i dont have much time to myself. its getting to the end of the school year so all of us seniors are trying to get everything together. well maybe its just me that feels like its never ganna end. such a hectic month.
so saturday was the school banqet. that was rockin. ok so it really just prom but they call it banquet because we cant dance. ya know private school and all. anyways the night went great. the theme was old hollywood. my boyfriend jon went with me. our entertainment was a magician/comedian. it was good. after the banquet a group of us went to ham lake lanes by my house and did a few rounds of bowling. i didnt do too bad. my second round i got 104. i dont normally get that high. after that jon and i hung out at a playground behind a school i used to go to. that was fun. we went on the swing set and stuff. great fun, great fun. oh then there was the cop. as we got back into the car a cop drove through the parking lot and stopped at our car. so ok it was around 1:30 or 2 in the morning. but i got all freaked out. well not too bad. the cop took our liceanses and checked it out. after that was all done (we didnt get in trouble cause we are over 18) we went and hung out at the bowling alley parking lot. it was a good time all in all. yep i gatta get going to farmstead, hey i got a job there i dont remember if i ever told you that. anyways later.