Monday, June 27, 2011

oh baby

Oh baby oh baby, can you you come soon and stop pushing down on my bladder and causing pain in the groin area... I love you so much and am ready for you to be on the outside of me instead of inside.

Baby is moving a lot. At work when I lean against the counter baby kicks and moves around. The most movement is on my left side where I think it's babies legs push out, fingers or something move down near my pelvic bone, and I'm guessing it is toes that like to push on my right rib cage. Baby has dropped, so that is a good sign and babies head is in place. No breach baby for me, thankfully.

The countdown is on. The weeks are down to one hand, yesterday was the the beginning of 35 weeks and today is now 33 days and some hours until babies due date. I am praying that baby will come a little bit early, especially if the weather is going to be as hot as it was yesterday. The temp was in the mid 90s with a high humidity so it must have felt hotter then 100 degrees.

Jon and I still don't have too much for baby. All we have is the side-sleeper that has been passed around the Totushek's and then the bassinet that Grandma Verna used for all her kids and then all of us grand-kids have used it also. My cousin Ben used it for his daughter Ella (which I love her name) and now Jon and I will use it for our baby.

Check out my website:
I photographed a wedding a few weeks ago and have updated some other things.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

34 weeks

Oh my goodness... I hope this baby comes a week or so early. I'm not sure if I can do it much longer then that. My feet are getting swollen (I got some special socks for that), they hurt, especially when I first get up in the morning, and I don't like not being able to do anything quickly. Bending over to pick things up or anything of the sort has become such a chore. Our apartment has become a mess, which I am working on today before I go into work at 3pm. Also, baby likes to push out on my left side and kick my right ribs. The rib thing is the weirdest thing. Along with that baby has been getting the hiccups every couple days. It makes me laugh to watch my stomach moving around because of baby.

Another thing that is happening around here is me preparing our bills and their payments so that we don't have a horrible money crunch during the month to six weeks that I am away from work.

We watched a birthing video in birthing class the other night and it was gross. That is going to hurt so bad! I am a bit afraid of giving birth, seriously how do we as women do this. Though the baby will be a bit misshaped and colored after coming out of my storage unit I am going to be so super excited and happy because that is our child. We will see if I tear up, I probably will.

Sunday, June 05, 2011

59 days left

There are 59 days left until babies due date. Hallelujah! I don't think I could last any longer then that. I am feeling gigantic and am not sure I would like to have to wait another 8.5 weeks until baby is born. I'm starting to get hot easier, my feet like to swell, and my wedding ring is now worn around my neck (took it off before any problems could arise).

Work has me standing 5-8 hours a day so that is the main reason my feet get water weight and my shoes then don't fit right. I should get those hospital socks that help keep the water and blood buildup out of my feet but I am worried if I do that then I will be super over heated. Could baby come a few weeks early? how about the third week of July? I'm feeling like a huge beast, it can only get worse. Also, feeling unattractive.

I have been working on our finances quite a bit lately. I am trying to get it so we can make it by without too much fret while I am not working for a month or so after baby is born (donations welcome... j/k). I am a worry wort when it comes to finance. I like that I am in control, it makes me feel better to know exactly what is happening. We have been pinching pennies quite a bit lately, not that we didn't before. Our debt is going down bit by bit (that doesn't really include school debt, that will be around for a while). Is it obsessive that I check our accounts almost daily? My excuse is that when you have less than $50 in your account most of the time, you have to make sure you wont get over-drafted because that would cost money in itself. Some day we wont be living paycheck to paycheck. We will also have a washer and dryer, and a car that its doors don't freeze shut in the winter.

Ok, our apartment is too hot tonight. I am not going to turn on the A/C though, I will not get used to that, I can't do that... we will keep our energy bill down. We can do this...