Saturday, July 30, 2011

Labor & Birth Story

At 4am Tuesday morning I woke up while trying to roll over to my other side in bed. This had become quite the task. As I rolled over I felt something leak out of me and I thought maybe it was all in my head. Just in case though I moved a bit to see if I wasn't just hoping that my water broke. Next I grabbed a pad from my purse next to the bed (put there just in case this happened). I slowly waddled to the bathroom and sat on the toilet. Another gush. My water had broken.

I let Jon sleep a bit more as I made sure I had everything ready and called the hospital. I woke Jon up at 4:30 and we ate some cereal and were on our way to the hospital. At the hospital we checked in and got a room. They checked my cervix and I was 4cm dilated and 80% effaced. The nurse checked babies heart beat and it was great and my contractions were 6 minutes apart. Jon and I then started to pace the hall ways trying to walk myself further into labor. It wasn't working too well, my contractions only went up to 5 minutes apart but not horribly strong. They felt like a menstrual cramp. I got a birth ball, it looked like an egg and I didn't like it as much as my yoga ball at home. I couldn't rotate my hips and bounce as nicely on it. A few hours later my contractions were getting stronger and pretty painful. The breathing technique that we learned in class sort of worked, but now well enough. I had to grab the bed handles and it was hurting so bad. My cervix was 5 or 6 cm dilated. I asked for drugs.

The drugs only worked about 45 minutes and they had given me a little bit of the drug to help my labor. The drugs made me feel like I was totally out there. After the 45 minutes went by and the drugs wore off I was brought quickly back to reality and the contractions were killing me. They were menstrual cramps times a bajillion. I just wanted baby to come out and be okay. I then was in major pain and asked for the epidural. Until the epidural was finally put in I was going crazy with contractions. They were about every 4 minutes apart or so. When they put in the epidural they had me hold a pillow and try not to move. It was so hard and I squeezed the life out of that pillow. Once the epidural kicked in I thought to myself, why hadn't I done this earlier. The pain went down to a light cramping.

By then, baby was about to come out. They had me hold my legs close to me and Jon stood on my right side talking to me and encouraging me. It was time to push. Babies head was right there. I only was in stage 3 labor for a half an hour. Babies head was at least half way out and they had me stop pushing and wait for the Dr. I could feel the pressure down there and it was just awkward just having babies head just sitting there. Jon said he just had to look and babies head was almost out and was totally weird. Finally, Dr. Mickelson arrived and the labor went on. I pushed on a few more contractions and baby was out. They immediately placed her on my chest and I held her and couldn't believe I had just given birth and that Jon and I now had a beautiful baby girl! Jon cut the umbilical cord and she was crying. It was great to finally see our baby that I have been toting around for the past 9 months.

The nurse and Jon took her to get her weight and length and check her vitals. I pushed out the placenta, that thing is huge! After Jon returned we got our first family picture.

Adelaide Amelia - born July 26th, 2011 - 7lbs 6oz - 21in long

Friday, July 29, 2011

She's Here

We have made it through our first night at home. Horray! It didn't go too bad. She had a few feedings and did some crying around 4:00am. We will figure this thing out.

We are going to the lactation specialist today at 3:15. I hope she can answer some questions and help me get Adelaide to latch on and stay latched on. It seems that is the problem, she just gets impatient about getting her food. I had to self express and spoon feed her a few times. Breast feeding seems to be the hardest thing so far.

She loves movement, the awesome rocking chair dad got us, the bouncy yoga ball, and swaying back and forth.


I have to add, I didn't know I could love someone this much.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Baby Has Arrived

here are some pics of Adelaide Amelia. The details will come later.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Is it time yet

Can you say antsy... 38wks 1 day. I'm ready for baby to be here. My body is soar and warn out. I am so ready to have my body back. Not that I will have much of a body. How much will I have to lose? I feel like a gigantic person. Will I be able to fit the pants I haven't warn in 6 or more months?

I love you baby and am ready to see your face and have you kick me from the outside. Though your movement inside is always reassuring that you are doing alright, and I love you more that I ever thought possible, I am ready to kiss those feet that have been pushing against my ribs and my right side.

Monday, July 18, 2011

37 wk doc apt

Yeah, I have dilated and am at 2cm. Hopefully this will get baby going and labor will start soon. I am so ready. I am going to wash the kitchen floor today, and maybe walk on the treadmill downstairs in our apt. There is no way I want to walk outside today though.

This whole week is supposed to be super hot. Welcome 90 degree weather. Yesterday was a 109 degree heat index. Today and the rest of the week aren't supposed to be much better. Our energy bill is going to be high this month, there is no way I want to go without AC. I am a big pregnant woman, come on. Earlier this summer was so beautiful and nice. The week in the 70s was fantastic.

Friday, July 15, 2011

what a day

so yesterday. yeah. j/k, yesterday wasn't exactly that great. When I woke up and went into the computer/baby room my desk had water all over it. Coco had been locked in there and had spilled Jon's water from that morning on my keyboard and ruined it. Then, Coco was just a pain in the butt the rest of the day, as always. Anyone want a big black cat that demands too much attention? I'm sick of him.

Wednesday while driving to work the air conditioning went out on the way to work.

Back to yesterday, I am driving to work and am going across the bridge over the rail road tracks and the radio stops working, then the clock goes out, then the speedometer, and then the warning lights go out. Next the brakes and power steering go out. I am trying to slow down at a stoplight while trying to get a hold of Jon. I was leaving a message on his phone the entire time this is happening. He said I sounded a bit hysteric, but come on why wouldn't I, our can was going to the crapper and I am 37 weeks pregnant. Give me a break. That was it, I pulled over and texted him to call me asap. I'm pretty sure he thought I might be going into labor, which I am quite ready to get done with. Anyways, he got a friend from grad school to pick me up and drive me to work. Poor guy got to see a crazy pregnant woman.

Jon got his friend to pull the car to the shop and he got it fixed in time to pick me up from work last night when my shift was over.

Good grief. Life does really like to throw curve balls at us, and not always at the best time.

Oh and talk about being pregnant. Baby was having a party inside me last night. Baby was moving for at least 20min straight. Then, I don't know why but I could not get to sleep. I was so pooped and just wanted some shut eye. By the time I did fall asleep Jon's alarm is going off and he is making a ruckus with his cereal bowl, making coffee, and what not. Let's just say I am a bit sleepy right now.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Doc Apt

I just had my 36 wk doctors appointment. 23 days until babies due date. Anyways, she said I am not dilated yet but babies head is pretty low. The pressure down there hurts and I hope I dilate soon and so baby can come. Baby is doing well though, as far as we know. Baby had a strong heart beat of 150 and has been moving around a lot the last two days.

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

PHD Pass

The letter that we have been waiting to get about the Analysis Exam Jon took on June 18th. Baby and I are super proud! He now has the Algebra test to pass.

Dear Jon,

The Department of Mathematics is pleased to inform you that you have
earned the grade of Ph.D. Pass on the Analysis Examination, given in
June 2011. I encourage you to meet with Dr. Comez to discuss your
performance. Please keep this message for your records and let me know
if you have any questions.


Sean Sather-Wagstaff, Assistant Professor
Graduate Program Director and Search Committee Chair
North Dakota State University, Mathematics

Fourth of July Fireworks

The Fourth of July. I worked 9-5 yesterday. It seemed super long because it wasn't horribly busy at Fleet Farm. The service desk especially wasn't busy. The checkouts were off and on. After work Jon and I went out on a date; it had been a long time since we did that. Then, we went to over to Moorhead and grabbed a blizzard from the outdoor Dairy Queen there. As we were getting our blizzards the tornado sirens went off. We then got into the car and drove to MSUM where the fireworks were to be set off. Right as we were a couple blocks away the AM radio station we were listening told us that the fireworks were canceled due to the storm coming our way. So we went over there for nothing. Oh well.

We decided to rent a movie and go home. As we got home the rain started to come down and we quickly closed the windows and settled onto the mattress we have in the living room. We have a mattress in the living room due to super hot evenings and trying to stay cool with our living room air conditioning.

The fireworks may be done tonight. I will have Jon look it up and see.