Friday, April 27, 2007

Oh, what a day

to start out the day we watched "How to speak Minnesotan" for the last day of classes before our presentations are due. I talked to Dr. Ball after class and he said that I could do some extra credit or something to up my grade. I am a little worried about that class. it's a tuff one and i have to pass it to get me AA degree.
When I was in Sunquist I talked to another proffesor: Dr. Sutter. He teaches my english class, the poet that I mentioned in another blog. I talked to him about the next essay due on monday, i'm having trouble with the comparrison. We ended up talking about what I am going to college for. He said that I am a good writer and that I should minor in English because I have potential. That was great to hear, really encouraging, especially from a great professor and writer.

And last, the promethean got nominated for Outstanding Student Organization Award and the Distinguished Student Organization Event Award. I am going to the communication arts dept. awards get together next friday.

my mind is getting very foggy and dissasterous, like a dirty desk... i need a mind cleaning.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

oh cold sunshine, why?

*sigh* another day has gone by and i have nothing for it. that's just sad. i got the test i took on monday back; the crazy one that i had to study for on the plane. i got a B, not bad, should have done better though. other than that, i took some pics of the play for paper and that is all i have done all day. oh, another thing about the parking lot, whenever jon and i are looking for a parking spot and we get our eye on a great one we drive a bit closer and there is this white geo. stupid geo, its so small that you can never see, and it always gets good spots.

on the other hand. last weekend was great. i was in florida with jon for his uncles beach wedding. it was gorgeous, and i got a bit of a sun burn so no my back itches tremendously because of the dead skin (ick). it was also good because i had some good conversations with some of his relatives and get to know them better. you can totally tell who are the inlaws and who are the totusheks. it was severe caos at some points, at least in my point of view. it was so beautiful down there. i enjoyed lying in bed waiting for sleep to take over my body and listening to the waves crash onto the white beach.

another thing... i believe 5 years ago this week was when i found out i had a brain tumor. thats good stuff.

Monday, April 16, 2007

good day to you

oh happy day; one more day of the semester is done, one less paper is due, and spring-time has peeked its way into superior. I got one of my papers back today, another A :) another thing to share is that there is this man that always comes out of hawkes hall next to jon and i's hall, and he is always singing. The man has to be in his 80s and he has a cane to walk with but his tune always gets my attention. It's so cute, an old man singing as he walks down the street. always the same tune too.

other than that, i'm getting excited to be going down to florida on thursday morning. the flight leaves at 6:30am so jon and I are leaving after he is done working on saturday night at 10pm. we will probably have to get some energy drinks and stay up all night.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

the promethean

here are a few pics that i have taken for the promethean, the school paper. Through this years experience and other experiences, i have decided (for the time being) that i want to be a sports photographer as a job and then keep the other photography as a hobby. i really, really like sports photography, i get a lot of satisfaction out of it; especially hockey and other fast sports. i'm going to be mean and say that girls sports arent half as entertaining as guys. guys can keep things up-beat and going, then again like hockey girls isnt as interesting because they cant check oneanother. anyways, here you are...

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Thursday, April 12, 2007

oh sunny days!

a sunny day finally, and the snow that was said to come here from the lake affect drifted south of us.

dad should be proud, i have been driving stick shift lately and been doing it quite well! my cars wind shield wipers arent working so we left my car at jon's parents house so that hopefully jake, jon's brother, could fix them for us.

alright, going going... gone

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

another perfect day

ok, so the day wasnt perfect. actually it wasnt even close; but it was a good day. i accomplished a few things.
i have been meaning to write for a week or so but i have been prety lazy and havent. not too much has been happening around here. yesterday jon and i went and saw our friend jake play the piano at the open microphone night at amazing grace cafe. he did a great job, but was prety nervous. there was another guy there that was good on his electric guitar and we went with him to perkins after and sat around and talked until about 1:30am (and i wasnt even tired today in my class, crazy). but back to the open mike night. there was a chick that had her friend play the guitar and she made up a thing from the Duluth news Tribune, it was about frogs and how they need people to do frog surveys up here in the north land.

other than that, not much. i just finished some stuff for some of my class, wrote a personal narrative for english (on how i didnt have the plane ticket in Beijing), had two test on monday and am still not even half way through the week. i am so ready to be done with school! or at least done with the gen-eds. i need to have a class that interests me and where i am acually learning something that interests me. alright, i should stop wrighting, i was just zoning out staring at the door. im ganna go do my comic for next weeks paper. peace