Monday, April 16, 2007

good day to you

oh happy day; one more day of the semester is done, one less paper is due, and spring-time has peeked its way into superior. I got one of my papers back today, another A :) another thing to share is that there is this man that always comes out of hawkes hall next to jon and i's hall, and he is always singing. The man has to be in his 80s and he has a cane to walk with but his tune always gets my attention. It's so cute, an old man singing as he walks down the street. always the same tune too.

other than that, i'm getting excited to be going down to florida on thursday morning. the flight leaves at 6:30am so jon and I are leaving after he is done working on saturday night at 10pm. we will probably have to get some energy drinks and stay up all night.

1 comment:

Christine/Chris said...

sounds like fun!!!!

old people are THEE most adorable people alive lol