Sunday, September 12, 2010

another day in FARGO!

what the heck am I doing? I read this book once that had journals from girls that had graduated college or were in their next stage of life. Some moved to places that they didn't know anyone. I feel just like they had described. Oh God, I need a friend. Jenny, I miss you, you spoiled me while being my roommate. I could talk to you at anytime. God blessed me with her when I had prayed for a friend. I think it is time for another one. Or else more calls to the one I have.

In every part of my life I feel disconnected, ok, not as much with Jon, but everywhere else. God I need you, hold my hand and be with me all the time. Your peace within me is needed.

We went to church this evening to meet some new people. Jon and I will be trying to get into a small group. I need a christian group of friends. My coworkers are just not what I need. My boss, Mandi, had mentioned that one of my coworkers is a virgin and made it sound like a horrible thing. Also, my other boss, Brian, makes it sound bad to be married at my age. What is wrong with loving someone? What is wrong with committing myself to one man and sticking to it? Even if I am 24 (ok, I will be in two days). Marriage has been one of the best things in my life. I have been so blessed to have a partner as committed, loving, and supportive as Jon. God, I feel stifled in my life right now.