Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Fourth of July Fireworks

The Fourth of July. I worked 9-5 yesterday. It seemed super long because it wasn't horribly busy at Fleet Farm. The service desk especially wasn't busy. The checkouts were off and on. After work Jon and I went out on a date; it had been a long time since we did that. Then, we went to over to Moorhead and grabbed a blizzard from the outdoor Dairy Queen there. As we were getting our blizzards the tornado sirens went off. We then got into the car and drove to MSUM where the fireworks were to be set off. Right as we were a couple blocks away the AM radio station we were listening told us that the fireworks were canceled due to the storm coming our way. So we went over there for nothing. Oh well.

We decided to rent a movie and go home. As we got home the rain started to come down and we quickly closed the windows and settled onto the mattress we have in the living room. We have a mattress in the living room due to super hot evenings and trying to stay cool with our living room air conditioning.

The fireworks may be done tonight. I will have Jon look it up and see.

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