Sunday, June 05, 2011

59 days left

There are 59 days left until babies due date. Hallelujah! I don't think I could last any longer then that. I am feeling gigantic and am not sure I would like to have to wait another 8.5 weeks until baby is born. I'm starting to get hot easier, my feet like to swell, and my wedding ring is now worn around my neck (took it off before any problems could arise).

Work has me standing 5-8 hours a day so that is the main reason my feet get water weight and my shoes then don't fit right. I should get those hospital socks that help keep the water and blood buildup out of my feet but I am worried if I do that then I will be super over heated. Could baby come a few weeks early? how about the third week of July? I'm feeling like a huge beast, it can only get worse. Also, feeling unattractive.

I have been working on our finances quite a bit lately. I am trying to get it so we can make it by without too much fret while I am not working for a month or so after baby is born (donations welcome... j/k). I am a worry wort when it comes to finance. I like that I am in control, it makes me feel better to know exactly what is happening. We have been pinching pennies quite a bit lately, not that we didn't before. Our debt is going down bit by bit (that doesn't really include school debt, that will be around for a while). Is it obsessive that I check our accounts almost daily? My excuse is that when you have less than $50 in your account most of the time, you have to make sure you wont get over-drafted because that would cost money in itself. Some day we wont be living paycheck to paycheck. We will also have a washer and dryer, and a car that its doors don't freeze shut in the winter.

Ok, our apartment is too hot tonight. I am not going to turn on the A/C though, I will not get used to that, I can't do that... we will keep our energy bill down. We can do this...


Anonymous said...

hello! this is cassandra...i dont know if you remember me but i had an impulse to read my blog from like seven years ago (a mistake. too embarrassing.ha) and came across your comments! last time i talked to you you had just gotten married. anyways. i remember we were always going to meet at a show at 3 degrees but it never happened! i see youre expecting now....congratulations!!!!!! hope everything is going well!

Carrie said...

oh my goodness, I totally do remember that. It has been so long though. wow. It's always funny to read old posts from your own blog isn't it... haha.
I hope things are going well for you also.