Monday, May 09, 2005


hey, lots of stuff is going on right now for me. i dont have much time to myself. its getting to the end of the school year so all of us seniors are trying to get everything together. well maybe its just me that feels like its never ganna end. such a hectic month.
so saturday was the school banqet. that was rockin. ok so it really just prom but they call it banquet because we cant dance. ya know private school and all. anyways the night went great. the theme was old hollywood. my boyfriend jon went with me. our entertainment was a magician/comedian. it was good. after the banquet a group of us went to ham lake lanes by my house and did a few rounds of bowling. i didnt do too bad. my second round i got 104. i dont normally get that high. after that jon and i hung out at a playground behind a school i used to go to. that was fun. we went on the swing set and stuff. great fun, great fun. oh then there was the cop. as we got back into the car a cop drove through the parking lot and stopped at our car. so ok it was around 1:30 or 2 in the morning. but i got all freaked out. well not too bad. the cop took our liceanses and checked it out. after that was all done (we didnt get in trouble cause we are over 18) we went and hung out at the bowling alley parking lot. it was a good time all in all. yep i gatta get going to farmstead, hey i got a job there i dont remember if i ever told you that. anyways later.

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