Tuesday, May 17, 2005

just a day in the life of Carrie, IN CHINA

Thursday April 7th, 2005 -8:00
Flight to ChangSha

Last night wasnt the best. All I really did was sleep. Then mom and dad made me go down with them and eat dinner. I ordered Lasagnya. It wasnt bad but I wasnt feeling too good. Of my supper I only ate a few bites.
Later that night I woke up and threw up. That was nasty. Especially with no light. I ran to the bathroom with barf in my hands. Trying to keep it all in.
The hard beds and homesickness are getting to me now. Everything, even the fat cat Herman, I am missing. A few other people got sick too. One of the ladies is still not feeling too well.
Joy brought us to the airport. Around 6:00 we left the hote. When we got to the airport she handed out the tickets. I didnt get one! After that was acknowledged the hecticness began. Joy didnt have cash so she borrowed some from a few people in the group.
She then ran to buy a ticket. Then I had to go with her here and there. Thankfully dad went with me. I dont know what I would do without him.
While this was happening they sent everyone else on through the checkout to the gate to bored. We didnt have much time until we hat to get on the plane.
Dad and I followed Joy to a few different spots where she argued about the seat. Really I have no ideas what she was saying. I could have cried. My heart was racing.
When it finally got all together dad had Joy stand and wait to see us through the luggage check. We made it! That is as far as she could go with us.
Dad and I arrived at the gate a few minutes before we were to bored. Mom was crying and when they saw the two of us the group started applauding.
Never again, never again! Right before the bording call they stiched our gate from 33 to 43. The group and I ran downstairs and then rode a bus out to the plane. You know on movies they show people climbing a staris to get into the plane to get into the plane? Well, that was us.
In the plane dad and I switched places. He is now sitting in the far back seperated from the group. (where i was supposed to sit with my "new ticket") He is so nice for doing that for me.
Later today, we get Mya.

and the day went on. . .

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