Sunday, November 20, 2005

almost break

only three days left until thanksgiving break! God bless the pilgrims for there voyage so that we can get a few days off of school. haha. i cant wait for the break. its going to be really nice. just relaxing and then only a few more weeks and finals till christmas break. its coming sooner each day. exciting! im ready for a break from school. i am actually really excited for my new classes next spring. i have 16 credits but 8 classes. thank God two of them are only once a week classes and that my wellness class and lab are only half the cemester. so yeah. oh i am taking band this spring. that aught to be interesting. i am excited yet i dont know what to do. i have to rent a bass clarinet or something. or else i am going to play the b flat clarinet. so i dont know like i said. i have just fooled around with the clarinet not really played, played, it. i dont know if i am good enough. that is what i am honestly afraid of. but anyways. i need to get over it and stop thinking about the future.

so today i went to church and it was all fun and dandy. i walked over to the young center where the church is held with jenny and shelli. what awesome girls. then i read prety much all afternoon and finished the book i had been hopping to finish this weekend. so i am happy for myself there. then around 6:00 shelli and i went to the ministry house to meet up with some other people ot go to the Arris house. that was so much fun. we went to their house, which was really nice. they were a couple in their 40s and i loved it. we ate some turkey and some other good food then went and played a card game called nerd. i really like that game. then we got them to tell us how they got engaged and then jody and i talked to them. it was just awesome. im really glad that i went. she then sent some of the leftovers back to the dorm with us. lol

yesterday a group of girls and i hung out and alicia and amanda's appartment. that was much fun also. we watched polar express. i didnt like the movie that much. it was ok though. then we started to watch princess bride. funny funny, especially if you are with the right people and that group of girls suited the movie quite well. before we started the movies we talked a bit though and had some pizza. great times. i really liked this weekend. just beautiful and exciting. God is awesome!

i hope next weekend is this nice out. just beautiful today. i went around town skateboarding. it was fun but not the most interesting because i was alone. oh last weekend i went on a road trip with Amanda, Alicia, Jill, and me. we went to st. paul and saw a relient k, mxpx, and rufio concert at the roy wilkings auditorium. i will share more on that later when i have time. it was much fun and great memories though!

1 comment:

Gustavus said...

I saw that same concert a few weeks back... my hearing still hasn't fully returned... blah.

anyway my civic duty is done and i've posted a comment. Wai o Wai o... taku.