Thursday, February 01, 2007

1 month!

silver bay all way!! (thats what the miner statue thing is from)

it has now been one month that jon and i have been married. it is going great. so far only one lame argument that i started. it was a dumb topic and it was not cool. other than that news, i started woking out again today. horray! i have been meaning to start that forever, my hope is that i keep it going. it just isnt as cool without my workout buddy - jenny.

also, another thing to mention is that i am really enjoying classes. getting excited to pass them with a great and valient A (hopefully). ok, the explanation for using valient is because my english proff. was talking on how we should write at a standard level. but hey, i like big words every once in a while. its good stuff! along with that point, i have gotten lots of work to do mostly reading and small meaningless assignments while jon the big math ed major hasnt gotten much at all. he has gotten a few pre-lab assignments for physics and yesterday got his first for diffy-q but no calc 3 or anything. so while i have been trying to study he has been much of a distraction. not as bad the last few days because i havent been around him much. he is tutoring twice a day every day but tuesday which is his lab day and on wednesdays he is tutoring 3 times. he puts in a total of 9.5 hours a week on that.

while on the subject of jon, oh boy do i love him so much. its crazy how much i love him. it grows every day (this may sound crazy, but when you find what i have found you will feel the same sappy way). it is funny how just little things will remind me of him and then my heart starts to smile :)

ok and here are a few more pictures that i have done lately (or if i am in them than a friend has done), they are for your eyes delight. other than that, i need to get going and start writing the article i'm doing for the paper this week. its due tomorrow ot 5. ahh!! nah, it should be great. peace...

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