Friday, December 09, 2005

a night at the Arries

yesterday was awesome. i prayed that God would just keep me awake during my classes. i finished my in class paper, i dont really know how well i did. but i hope that it is at least a C. he is a tuff grader. then i made it through my last speech class. Hip Hip horray!! and last of all i had psych, i was sad to leave that class. i really like it and find it interesting.

i then attempted to work on Aleks but i didnt get too far. i am on all the hard ones. Aleks was due last night at seven. i got up to 141 out of 153 so that is a low A. thats still good, i could have done better though.

after my Aleks fest shelli came in my room and jenny had just stopped and talked to us in her bath robe on her way to take a shower. shelli and i got her good. some of the other friends have turned the knob in the shower by reaching around the shower curtain and sneaking their arms into the shower. so me and shelli, being brilliantly mean, went into the shower and did that to jenny. it was funny cause she didnt say a word you could just see her push the shower curtain. shelli and i then ran, not like jenny was going to chase us or anything cause she was naked, shelli sliped because her shoes were wet and she smacked her knee on the hard tile floor of the bathroom. ouch. ok bla bla then shelli and i went to my room which is diagonal from the bathroom and laughed it out. then got quiet as jenny came out. jenny looked at the two of us, pointed at shelli and said that that was mean. she said it had gotten really hot. sad, but funny. we got a good laugh out of that. i love those two girls. they are my favs in my dorm! they are riots to hang out with and just make my day all the time. and its cool cause we just are tight and can be serious one minute then laughing it out the next. I'm so blessed to have them as friends. i love it, indeed i do.

last night was a girls night out for the CV girls. it was held at the Arries. that was much fun. we drove over there and hung out. ate some food. yesterday was the first time i had ever eaten chili. it wasnt bad, not something i would eat every day though. the lady of the house, Linda, she is so sweet. it was for sure a girls night out. they painted my toe nails, and Linda gave me a great foot masage. it felt so good. shelli and i are siamese twins, we have been since last friday at the ministry house. we both arent the most girly chicks. i think that is one of the first times i have done that. then we put on face mask things. it felt weird to move my face around or even smile cause it was hardend on my face. good laughs. after all the fun we then sat down talked about first kisses, funny "boyfriend" stories too (when i say boyfriend i mean the ones back in elementry, junior high, and high school. the 3 hour relationships). there was some funny things told. i wont share with you that though. you had to be there.

after Jill and Lisa went to bed, the rest of us, Bri, Lydia, Skye, Shelli, and i just talked about church, God, beliefs, and so on. it was just so encouraging. Bri worked at Lone Tree Bible Ranch where i went the summer before high school. it was so cool the stories we shared. What i really liked was that she knows who i am talking about. for example, Joe and Brody. she remembers the church affiliated with the one i went with, Buffalo Covenant. it was really cool. she rememberd when Joe fell and almost died and it i liked how she knows how Godly they are and how they are so hungry for God and encouraging people. I loved it! we talked about the devil how one day at camp.... and the wind and how satan was in the wind at Lone Tree... good stories, but long so i wont share.

All in all last night was great, God is totally doing something in this group of people. i cant wait for the Alfici Bible study next semester, and Fuel. Just everything that God is doing on campus.

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