Wednesday, January 12, 2011

talk about...

talk about ready for a new season. I am soooo ready. Here in Fargo, ND we have already received over 50 inches of snow. That is way beyond normal. Talk about flooding! I don't want to have to deal with that, not fun. The upside of lots of snow and super cold temps (it's not supposed to be above 0 for a few days now) is that today the snowflakes were huge and fluffy. They were so big and gorgeous, you could see with the naked eye a lot of detail in those cold creations.

Babywise, we are coming up on 11 weeks. Next Monday is our ultrasound. I am getting excited and so is Jon. It will be nice to know that squirt (as mom has referred to the baby as) is doing well. I have been feeling this weird stretch or something from my groin up to my waist on the left side. I wish I could feel the baby moving, I want to know that squirt is growing and enjoying my warmth as I try to stay warm in this crazy Fargo land. Yep yep *sigh* thankfully I have a cat on either end of my body keeping me warm and cozy. They have been brats though lately, especially coco. He has been driving me nuts!!! Though, he is quite useful when it comes to body heat in the winter, not so much in the hot, humid summers though. Those summer days will be coming and I will be big and jolly with child, haha.

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