Friday, May 18, 2007

four out of five - done

the pic is one that i used for my presentation for sociology last week. oh that feels like forever ago.

i just finished the one more of my finals. im down four and have one left this afternoon from 3-5. the one i took this morning was my sociology, the one i need to do really well on. pray! hopefully, i think i did well, but i wont say for sure cause that always puts kinks in things. jon has two left this afternoon. he is thinking a 4.0 is on his way, except maybe for one class that will drop it. the professor is just bad rosenberg. yeah. so he will have all a's and then one b. i on the other hand am hopeing for a 3.5 gpa for this semester, if i actually get that, this semester i will have gotten the best grades yet since my surgery in five years ago. that is prety crazy. i think either way i should be above a 3.0 so that means here at UWS i have accumulated a gpa of higher than 3.0. ok, enough rambling. im prety excited about graduating with my AA degree tomorrow. i actually feel like i am getting somewhere in life. other than that, tonight is the pack up to get ready to move back down to the cities, work a bunch, make lots of money, and then move to denver at the end of july. fun

1 comment:

Gustavus said...

Hey Carrie,

I swear everyone is graduating before me. Study abroad really set me back a whole lot. Anyway congradulations.
