Monday, February 20, 2006

President's Day...

...means no school today!!! haha, score. So on my day off, it's time for me to finally get back into the swing of homework city. yep, you were right, I did indeed put off my work all weekend. Great things happened though while I was putting off my homework.

Yesterday was the best! I went to church with Shelli and then afterwards we headed off for Perkins with some of the buds. We invited Hod as he was walking over to his house from church. He is like 30 years old and is going back to school for psycology. Anyways, Perkins was great. Hod talked a lot but it was good. We played spoons (Extreme Days style) Cooper was the sucker that didn't know what was happening. Coop actually said prety much the same things as the kid in the movie. It was so funny. We had a good laugh, so did a few of the old folks around us.

Later Sunday night Shelli and I picked up Hod and Cody followed us over to the Ministery House and we met up with a group of kids there and watched Homeward Bound and Cool Runnings. These kids are funny ones to watch movies with, first of all, John Spears knows prety much every line to every movie and Cooper just laughs really hard, while Brad just makes crazy jokes and pockes us girls..... flirt. . . Hod gets all into the movie while eating his burnt pop-corn. and the rest of us watch in amazement (ok, so not amazement but yeah). After the movie night Shelli and I had a sleep over in my room. It was funny 'cause every other night we have a lot to say to eachother but last night we didnt have much to say. Kinda crazy. We did end up taking about Mormans though. It's really intersting. We also talked about a bunch of other mumbo-jumbo, good stuff.

Alright... I really need to stop procrastinating on my studying. Ahhh... I dont want to do it. Ick...

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