Thursday, January 12, 2006

a day of harmony

today i worked all day. actually i woke up quite a few times last night. i just couldnt sleep. i dont know why. then i woke up around 6am cause mom and i were going to go to walmart and target after we dropped erin off at school. but then dad decided to take erin to school so after i took my shower and was getting ready my mom told me that so i went back to bed and woke up again around 10.
i got ready and we went to walmart, dropped off my film and she then dropped me off at work. i worked 11-2, 4-7 and inbetween i sat on a couch and read one of the books about photography my sister got me for christmas.
work wasnt the most exciting today. the last day im working before i go back to school. I dont even have any funny or intersting story from work today. that is prety sad. oh except rachel and i talked about school. and she knows who my brother is. the one who rode the bus wearing huge headphones that looked like earmuffs. haha.
from work to church, where i went straight on the platform to be a back up worship singer. then after church i went home and have been wasting time doing questionairs for myspace and talking to shana. i love shana, miss her much! it made my day to talk to her. now i am blogging and still talking to shana and now talking to jon. he is hoping that he gets on the team this year, so he can go to Utah. he said it was some of the most beautiful country he has seen. i wish him the best of luck. it may be his last chance for a while to do that...
goodnight friends, bedtime is coming soon


daveeh said...

what books did your sister buy you for christmas, carrie?

daveeh said...

thanks for the info on the books , carrie,i'll see if i can pick that one up.
i keep trying to remember to see things through the eye of the viewfinder, even though i'll see something and want to get it all in as it appears to my eye view or just one little piece of it, but can't--- you know what i mean?