Saturday, January 21, 2006

first weekend back at school

last night was a blast. around 7 shelli and i headed over to the ministry house and hung out there. while there jenny and i watched star wars IV, well, we didnt ever finish it because she left prety early. she wasnt feeling well. then shelli and i played battleship. i havent played that in so long. after that we talked to brad. oh my gosh is he on the downside. he keeps talking about jill and how she hasnt talked to him in a while and how she said she needs her space. i say he likes her. and she told me the other day that he is getting anoying. she didnt say it in those words, but thats what i got out of it.

(the pic is of shelli with brad in the backround. you see what i mean...)
shelli and i headed back to the dorms around 9:30 and when we got back we stoped and talked to hilary. somehow the three of us got onto the topic of seeing your house from a satelite point of view. we ended up looking up eachothers houses and showing them to eachother, getting all excited cause now we know what its like around eachothers house. funny. im kinda suprised at how exciting it was. but it was fun none the less.

hilary and i then went upstairs after her shift was done in the lobby. we watched part of the Newsies and had some ice cream, talked a little more. then, it hit us, we were ready to go to bed. we stopped the movie around 1:00 am and headed to bed, and that was my day.

today i'm going to rapid to see a movie about an african missionary. we are meeting in the ministry house and heading from there. otherwise, i dont know whats ganna happen. but it should be a great day.

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