Monday, June 05, 2006

job interview

early i awoke to the sound of mya upstairs having fun in her fort. ok, i actually woke up to my alarm clock because i had to be to an interview at 10. i know, i dont really want to work at walmart but money is money, and i need it badly for my college payment next year. I got through the first interview, and I think that I did well. They called me a few hours ago and I am going back in on wednesday for the second interview, which I am excited for.

Jon messaged me from work today and asked me if I wanted to go on a picnic with him today. I met him at work and we went to a park and ate lunch. It was kinda hot and windy out. But all around it was good. I enjoyed it.

So I decided that during the spring season I take a break from blogging. I was looking at last year and it was around this time that I didnt write that much. In a way I wish that I would write more but sometimes I just dont feel like doing it even though I have a lot to talk about. :)

Right now I am just watching tv waiting till mya wakes up or 2:30 comes around and I have to wake her up and get Erin from school. I kinda want a nap. That sounds appetizing to me.

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