Tuesday, June 13, 2006

considering smaller things

i started working for lake country homes today. i am going to work abour 4 hours 4 or 5 days a week. the money should be nice. i have decided that all that money has to go into my savings account. i really need to start saving for college. i only have like 15 dollars in the account now which is horrible considering what i had saved up for last school year.

this summer is going well. im enjoying it a lot. its great to be hanging out with jon and my family a lot. it means a lot to me to be hanging out with mya and erin (even though she seems not to care really what i think or approve of my uncoolness) and also my parents, i know that within the next few years i'm not going to be able to hang out with them as much and it will be hard. i do hope that after i get married and move onto the next step of life that i can still stay just as close with my family and friends, maybe even closer. that would mean the world to me. lately i have been thinking about BH and how i do miss being there. i miss the life that came with it and mostly the few friends that God totally blessed me with. i think about them, text them, talk to them, wish i could see their faces, and smile with every memory. life is intersting and with every step through it is added another moment that could justify the wonderful happiness that God has handed to me. even though i feel like i am missing a part of me by changing from the life that i thought was one of the greatest things that ever happened to me, i know that God is opening a door that is, yes, scary to walk through but going to bring me to the place he has strategically planned for me to go. i want to cry... to just let it out would feel so good, i'm not hurt, i'm just sad and extremely happy about life but i dont know how to illustrate it.

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