Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Seven days left

hip hip horray! only seven days left of this quarter. the school year is almost half way over. i'm happy about that.
today, what can i say. i had to wake up early which always stinks unless i'm ganna chill with a cool kid. anyways so school was all fine and dandy. nothing horrid except my chemistry test. totally failed that. whatever, yes, i do care but no, i'm sick of caring about it.
oh hey, i tried to give blood again today for the red cross. again my iron level was too low. it is supposed to be 38. last time it was 36. today it was 34. Not good at all. i'm ganna have to do something about that.
i'm tired, how about you? we should probably go to bed early today. no i dont have homework. how about you?
right now im just sketchin something. i'm not too good so whatever, its all cool anyways. cheerio, toodle-oo good folks.


Gustavus said...

the whole conversation thing is kind of freaking me out.

Gustavus said...

above: i was refering to your style of blog writing.

your most recent post on my blog: O_O where did you get the temperature thing?

Gustavus said...

its all good. I'm sorry if i was more then a bit snappy i've been kind of "out of it" as you say myself for a bit. But there was a really beautiful sunset today and i'm sure God will make everything ok. Have faith sister.