Thursday, January 27, 2005


hello. wow, i stayed up late talking to jon last night. im suprised im not tired. it will probably hit me later. school today wasnt too bad. it was the last day of the quarter. that is always awesome. my test in O.T. didnt go to bad. im quite thankful that i studied. i think i did really well. the memorization in english on the other hand, wasnt exactly the best. i had it down and then we started and my brain froze. it was just a quiz grade though and she said i passed. so whatever at least it is done and out of the way.
in yearbook i sat at the computer and put pictures on abby's page for her. in that class im know as the computer person. dont really understand why cause i dont know too much about them but i guess i know enough to get by. i skipped chemistry and helped load some more pictures onto some other kids pages for them. i really need to teach them how to do it. after you get the concept of it all, its not too hard. :) i start choir next monday. horray!
i volunteered after school today like every thursday. today was even better than normal. i love it. there is always a great laugh. laurane got all the bad cards. elmer and i switched cards then kathleen and i did. elmer started that. it adds a little splash to the game. try it. when i switched with laurane i had a hand of like 8 card that were all green. we all got a good laugh out of that one. what i love about hanging out with them is that life isnt so serious. they just lift up my spirits. they live life to the fullest. that is a great way to live.
i have pep band later tonight and i get to wear our pep band shirt. ick! anyways i dont have school tomarrow, im ganna sleep in that will be nice. then i think janelle, jess, steph, and maybe a few more of us might go sledding. that should be fun. God bless!

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