Monday, January 24, 2005

oh wait. . . yep, another day of school

today, what should i say. there isnt much to say. i just woke up and went to school. it was prety fine. just an average day. i had a test in english on macbeth finally. i dont think i did the greatest or the worst. whatever. band was cool. mr. r is getting down to the nitty-gritty its good but that means i cant play as much. we talked about band tour. i hope i can go on it this year. we might be in china though. we shall see. yep. it was like 35 degrees out today. it was so nice. erin and i drove home with the windows open (well just one window open a few inches). that was great. for some reason it brought back some memories of riding home from concerts at the new union with all the windows down and my grand music blasting. brings a warm fuzzy feeling. just kiddin. oh when i got home from school i attempted to stay awake and i couldnt so i took like a 2-3 hour nap and then ate supper with dad and erin. around 6 we went and visited my mom in the hospital. her and dad werent here this morning to see erin and me off to school like normal because her surgery was this early this morning. it was so odd not to have them give me a hug and say goodbye. the house seemed so desolate and empty. not the normal thing. while visiting my mom at the hospital we watched 7th heaven. that show is way too sappy for my taste. dad and i walked down to where the babies are "stored" or the nursery in other words and took a little looksy in the window. there were none in there. while walking there i said to my father, "ahh, (sigh) just picture me a few years from now wearing a nurses outfit and having a name tag with whose pic on it? mine yep. what a day that will be." haha. have a fantastic night!

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