Monday, January 17, 2005

A day off

hey, I hope youre doing well today. It was a good day to have off from school. I got up around 10:30 and took a shower, then drove over to Farmstead. Cheryl wasnt there so I didnt volunteer. Then I drove over to the bank and cashed my check. Wow, I have a lot of money in my savings account for Africa. I could be doing better though. Anyways. After that I drove home chilled out there, went snowmobiling with my sister through the swamp off our land which is connected to Coon Lake. I was in the lead so I had to make a path through the reeds and got stuck once and Erin got stuck once on the way back onto the land. We drove around on the mud arm of the lake. I got up to 80mph. The wind still went through all my layers when going that fast so I slowed down. What fun.
Once we got home Micah called and then came over. He helped me with my chemistry homework, we have a test tomorrow. I am so sick of that class. I understood the work thank God and got a lot done. We had to stop working on it cause he had to get home and my sister and I had to go to the dentist. Lucky us! I have a cavity. I never had one until like 2 years ago. I think it had to do with me having braces. Whatever, it doesnt hurt but I do have to get a filling in a few weeks here so that sucks. Alright well I'm off to go put off doing homework again. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Gustavus said...
