Monday, January 10, 2005

another college

hey. . . i got the mail today, i recieved a letter from Black Hills State University. I was. . . accepted! Rock on! This is one of the colleges I wanted to go to. I could be closer to my best friend Jon. That would always be cool. Oh yeah I dont know if I told you this or not but I got a letter from St. Kate's and I was accepted there also. That's always cool.
So last Thursday I hung out with Jon after I volunteered and then attempted to give blood with my friend Tracy. I couldnt my iron level was too low. I tried, that's all I can do. Oh while hangin out with Jon we watched Napolean Dynamite. After the movie was done we just chilled out in the family room. Quite cool indeed.
Then oh Saturday he was supposed to go back to Rocky Mountain College but his car had problems so he got a flight for Sunday morning. He asked me if i wanted to chill with him and for sure, i said yes, its Jon come on. He's my best friend. So I drove out to Buffalo, MN and we hung out at his house while he packed some more then we drove to Maple Grove and went to a ski shop cause he needed some stuff there. After that we went back to his house and talked to his mother for a bit. then his dad got home and we sat in the living room chatting. it was fun. next we went to his brothers house so he could say goodbye to jake. after that we were going to go bowling but the lanes were full cause of leagues. so we decided to go rollers8ing. it was so much fun. they were playing christian music at the place too. i was quite suprised. after that we went to the movies and saw Spanglish. Adam Sandler did a really good job in the movie. i enjoyed it. then we drove back to his house and sat in the my car talking for a long time. i have an awesome friend. God has blessed me greatly to have found a guy like him. anyways. i worked the rest of the weekend. it went by fast. catch ya later dude!

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