Monday, January 31, 2005


oh my gosh! we got my little sister's referal. we will get a picture of her tomarrow hopefuly! her name is Xing Jiang. Xing = Star. Her birthday is May 15th. I'm so excited. That means that we will get the dates of when we are going to go to China to pick her up. So awesome!
today i went and got a cavity filled during my lunch period. when i got back to school i had yearbook and then choir. that is my first day in choir. i tried so hard to keep a straight face so that no one could notice. being me, no i couldnt. so i tried to cover that side of my face when i talked or smiled. Lydia and Laura and I were getting a good laugh out of it. oh man, why not live life to the fullest.
in choir i had to turn around and tell them my name and grade and a little about me. that was funny. ben, funny kid, he is a lot like his bro nathaniel. i always have to laugh at that. i used to have choir with nathaniel in St. Franny. otherwise the day was prety good. i still think hearing about my little sister was the best part. anyways, im rockin out of here, i have to leave for work soon.

oh yeah i got the sound track for Napolean Dynamite the other day. thats a riot.

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