Wednesday, January 26, 2005

is life a job?

My brother stopped by to say hi to my mom because she had surgery the other day. I didnt really talk to him too much. School wasnt bad at all today.
last night i worked. i went in at 4 and worked till 10. i knew that i would have to do register. well i went in and only had to do it for a few hours. i guess the assistan manager girl jamie is now fired, she never showed up the other day. angela called her and her dad said she was in the shower. so she is now no more. angela worked the first two hours of my shift and then went home, denise came in and took over register. jeremy was the leader for the night. my name was on register two but we both did floor work together. that was interesting. i guess he might become the new assistant manager. i think he would do well at it. anyways while i was on break he came into the back room and talked to me. he said he understands why i dont want to date him, that he isnt the right kind of guy for me. i said that we could still chill out sometimes and that he is a nice guy and all but i just dont want a guy that isnt a christian, smokes, and drinks. he understood. i still felt bad.
other than that. the rest of the night went quite well actually. both him and denise said im a good worker. that is nice to hear sometimes. i feel like sometimes i am just working for nothing. normally all you hear are the complaints. well i have a final tomarrow so im ganna go study for it. its my last final of my high school career. seniors at my school dont have finals. i dont really know why but i wont fight. as a good friend of mine once told me. . . "let the good times roll." (thanks jon)

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