Sunday, January 16, 2005


Hello there friends. Alrighty, I keep forgetting today is Sunday for some odd reason. Yep, I woke up at the latest time possible to get to church. My family and I got there on time like always. Church was good today. We has Sunday school class today (we have it every other week). Joe Nagell talked to us about Jesus, wowzers what a suprise, no we talked about his first 30 years and how there is more about the last 3 than the first 30 and so on. . . It was all good. Doogie actually came out to class which made it a little more interesting. Normally there are only 3 or 4 of us in the class. Yes, my church is quite small.
After church my family and I went to Target, I needed to get some kaki pants for work. Yesterday one of the managers came in to check out our store and I guess he didnt like how dark brown the pants I was wearing were. I only have one pair of kaki pants so we went and got another pair today. After that we went home and I called my friend Bob and he came over and hung out with me and my sister, mostly my sister though even though he is my age. They played Mario Cart and then a snowboard game on the game cube while I fell asleep on the couch. Yeah I'm a bad friend. Then we watched Oceans 11 and then went to the theater and saw Oceans 12. Both were good movies. I enjoyed them. Well anyways, not much else is new so yep. Oh yeah I talked to Jon last night. I always enjoy talking to him. He is in Utah for some races, he said its really beautiful out there. I can believe him. Some day I will go watch one of his races, that would be prety awesome. Anyways, I'm rockin out of here. Enjoy your night!

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