Saturday, January 29, 2005

Segue Cafe

wowzers, i had to get up at 5:30 today. i had to work at 6. that was quite early. not my frenzy. jeremy and i talked a little when i first started the shift. i guess this weekend is his last of night shift. that is always nice. work wasnt too exciting the first few hours were kinda slow and then we slowly got more buisness. Lwana didnt have a voice today so you could barely hear her. that sucked.
oh hey yesterday i slept into noon. it felt so good. then i hung out around the house. relaxed. that was grand. i cleaned my room be proud of me. then erin, andrea, emma, and i went to forest lake. i needed to get some soil from the store for my ivy. i had to replant it into a larger pot. we went to target and emma and i fooled around in the furniture place thing. it was enjoyable.
the rest of today was awesome. i went over to jess' house and watched a walk to remember with her and micah. then micah left and so jess and i went to segue cafe. that was sweet. i got some hot coco, she got a mocha. then we just sat around on the couches and bonded. talked, bonded, and talked some more. then a prety cool punk band came on stage. it was kinda funny to sit back and watch the diff. groups. there were some punks and goths. yeah it was interesting. the band had some really good guitar players.
after the first band was done jess and i left and drove around. she showed me her old house and we told some stories of when we were little. then i dropped her off at her house and here i am now.
what a day. prety rockin. God bless! good night.

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