Thursday, March 31, 2005

two full days left!

Friday. . . Saturday. . . Sunday! chaching, that's when we leave for China 3:05 on Sunday afternoon. Joe picks us up and we try to be to the airport by noon. this aught to be interesting. i still have to pack and get some other stuff ready. i had asked my teachers for the homework for the next few weeks but they didnt know what they were for sure going to do next week so i will probabaly get an incomplete in most of my classes for the quarter but i can get that all figured out when we get back. Sunday is the last day i will be in America with only one sister. crazy to think about. i am so used to being the middle child, the oldest of the two girls. this will take a little bit-o-time to get used to. it will be awesome. God is blessing my family with a beautiful little girl!
oh today my whole english class went to the mandrin buffet for lunch. it is our field trip for english because we read The Good Earth which is a book about China so Mrs. Fast brought us their. that was great. Mrs. Fast sat by Janelle, Steph, and me. She talked a lot about the Tary Sheilbout (wrong spelling) case. i guess the lady passed away this morning and that was huge in the quarts. i dont fully understand the whole thing myself.
I also volunteered today. i finally figured out where Buck got, "where did all the yellow go?" from. I guess it used to be on a commercial. funny. it was fun to play uno today. im kinda sick of the game honestly but i like being able to talk and have fun with the people there. i leaned today that Kathleen had 6 kids and a great husband and that she never had to work out of the home. she said that she really liked it and that she was very blessed. its cool to hear other peoples stories.
i was on my way home from farmstead and just waiting at the light to cross highway 65 when i remembered i was supposed to pick up my sister after softball around 4:30. oops. i crossed 65, got gas at work and then drove back to school to pick erin up. thankfully she had just got out of practice around 5. im losin it. oh well what can i do.

1 comment:

Gustavus said...

have a good and safe trip.