Tuesday, March 08, 2005

oh napolean

today was cool. some of the pressure is going down. i dont have much homework this week which is good but i really need to get my night class homework done soon here so that i can graduate on time.
today at school we had a pep-fest 8th hour. it was fine. better then the normal one which are boring becuase its people telling us about all the games and what not. well today we had one because our girls basket ball has won at least, i think it is, 25 game streak. so i believe they are going into tounament tonight. the funniest thing about the was a kid named Aundrey Blaine, a 10th grader, did the napolean dynamite dance infront of the whole school. yeah he even walked and talked like him too. that was a riot. everyone was laughing there tush off. there was my interesting day. :) peace out!

1 comment:

Gustavus said...

Oh yeah, two more days and one more Midterm Exam and I'm on the road for Five hours then home. Do you have any interesting plans for the break or just hanging out with friends?

Thanks for the comment!

Good luck on the school work and tests that you have left. :)