Friday, March 11, 2005

play the game

only a half day of school! horray! today we got kicked out of school at 11:00 because our girls basket ball got to state. we played against the team with the girl that has is the lead scorer in MN for both boys and girls. i think they werent a cool team. the reffs were on their side and they just wasting time at the end of the game. it was cool we had to go because of pep band like always. erin and i drove seperate and stopped and ate. we cause up with the crew at the target center and snuck in some food for molly in my sax case and then my purse. lol. that was interesting. yeah then after the game erin and i went back into the parking ramp and she took out the clarinet and started playing a few songs. she played a song from lord of the rings. that sounded awesome. how it vibrated through the whole parking lot.
after we got home i cleaned a bit and jon came over. we watched monty python and the holy grail. half way through i got yelled at by my dad (which barely ever happens). i had allowed erin to take the car down the drive way to get the mail and on her way back in the garage she hit the car on the side wall. making a dent in the car and skrewing up the garage door. she didnt tell me this though. whatever, so her and i are paying for damage. i took the credit. it was my fault. im the older sister.
after all that happened jon and i drove around stopped and said hi to my brother at work. its cool that they finally met. im glad about that. then him and i went and had hot coco/tea whatever and then attempted to play mancolla. then we again drove around and eventually stopped at my school and sat in the parking lot and talked for a while. that was cool.

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