Saturday, March 05, 2005

too early

oh my goodness. that was way too early to get up this morning. i had to be at school at 8:15 and remember it is a saturday. we went to a jazz workshop thing at the University of Minnesota. we didnt take a bus becuase there is only like 18 of us in the jazz band. so we took 5 cars. 2 had to leave early including me. well anyways rudzidis obviously doesnt know the campus too well cause we were late to the audotorium to warm up. we only had enough time to put our instraments together and scramble onto stage. we didnt play horrid but it still wasnt the best. then after that we went into a room and were "worked on" or taught some diff. things by two band teacher pps. that was kinda weird. i was still half asleep. my dad had come down to my room at 7:30 and asked me if i was getting up. i had set my alarm clock and checked it twice last night to see if it was on but i guess i must have shut it off this morning in my sleep. i havent been getting much sleep lately.
ok anyways back to the concert. once we were walking out of the room my friends Doug and Eva yelled my name and that totally made my day. they are from st. francis where i used to go and i totally miss all of them. i have been thinking about calling them and getting together but being me i havent. my heart started to beat faster cause i was so excited (no joke). i hugged both of them and then we talked a bit and i had to go put the tenor sax away. i wish i could have stayed and talked to them more. caught up with them. doug did take my cell phone number though.
on the way home micah and grant rode with me cause they both had to go to work too. i didnt get lost, i made it straight to 35w all knowing where i was. that was good. grant applauded me there. then we went out to eat. they made fun of me and really girls in general that we eat very self conciously. which is true. and grand was making fun off me too saying that i could never stay mad at anyone or really physically hurt a person. i think i could depending on.
after i dropped off grand and micah at school i was sitting at the stop light outside of school and grant was behind me. yeah we turned when the light turned green and we raced. yeah i lost. the mazda doesnt speed up too quick. the best part about then was that off of Hanson on that corner was a kid that looked like Napoleon Dynamite. that was so funny. then i messaged grant to ask if he had seen the kid. he did. that was a great laugh. but i still say the best thing so far today is that i got to see some of my good friends from st. francis.
alright i get the privilage of going to work at two today! horray! anyways i hope it goes well. enjoy!

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