Monday, December 20, 2004

only one day left till break

awesome, one day left until christmas break. im quite excited. today janelle and i turned in our rebuilding of the temple which we did on the computer. it turned out really awesome. she is a great partner.
oh and i worked last night, it was prety ok.
today i went in to farmstead like always and did some things for cheryl. on my way out i asked the receptionist if they had gotten my application and she said yes and that they were checking them out and would have interviews soon here. i pray that they call me. that would be quite awesome!
in yearbook we started to watch the count of montecriso (cant spell sorry) yeah its good so far i sat on one of the tables and then i ended up laying on it and almost fell asleep. we had the movie hooked up to a power point and all the lights off. i felt like i was at a mini theatre. indeed it was cool.
alright well im ganna go read some of my friends poetry and then hopefully clean my disorganized room. i have college applications and scholarship stuff and clothes all over my floor. not cool. i like being clean. oh well, not much i can do time is an issue. rock on and enjoy your night.

1 comment:

Gustavus said...

Yaay break. Enjoy time off becasus it is awesome :D:D:D