Thursday, December 09, 2004

last Christmas band concert of high school

alrighty well today was all fine and dandy. school was ok. after school i went and volunteered like every thursday. cheryl, the activities director, told me that they are looking for a receptionist to work from 2:30-4:30 every weekday. that would be awesome. so i am applying and if its God's will i will get the job otherwise i will stay at holiday. anyways on to the good stuff.
tonight we, meaning the high school, had our Christmas band/choir concert. we started out bad cause the trumpets kinda messed up a bit. as the night went on we got a little better. and it was going all fine and stuff. then when the band was about to play after the choir. mr. R didn't come up. on the screen came up a part from, Rudolph the red nose reindeer. with the abominable snow man. mr. m started reading a story that was made up about our practice charts and so on and how it made the abominable snow man. and such and such. anyways I'm not makin much sense here so this is what i wanted to come out with. mr. rudzitis came out dressed like the abominable snowman. he looked more like an white gorilla. we then played our next two songs with him dressed like that. indeed mccs is a crazy school. i looked over at ben and we just totally agreed. we are ganna talk about it later. then i look over at his bro Nathaniel, who i am tight with too, and we just shook our heads in disbelief. yep.
after the concert i hung around with Nathaniel talked to a few people. i showed Nathaniel the senior table which now has Christmas lights all around it hanging from the ceiling.

1 comment:

Gustavus said...

Indeed looks fine now... apparently your new post has fixed it or the problem corrected itself... boy TGIF...