Sunday, April 09, 2006

the last weekend

this weekend was great. Jon came again this weekend, it was better this time because I wasnt sick and so on. Friday night him, Jenny, and I watched a few movies. ok, so her and I watched 4 and Jon came when we were on the second one. It was fun. I didnt want to watch another movie for a few days after that though. But now it is tradition for Jenny and I to watch a movie every weekend.

Saturday, woke up around 10 and Jon and I went to the fish hatchery and hicked a short little path to get to the rocks above the river. I had always wondered how to get up there. It was good, I probably shouldnt have hicked though, I didnt have my boot on (my broken foot), and I had surgery last weekend. Whatever, we made it so we are good. We then had a picnic with Jenny, which was quite good. I just cant deny how awesome that girl is. During the afternoon Jon and I just hung around the dorm because Erin wasnt around. Later in the evening we headed down to Rapid and walked around. That was good, except the guy who yelled out the window, "nice ***" that I found stupid and revolting, especially when I had my boyfriend right there with me. Come on now people. Anyways, we walked around, saw the sights and sat by a pond for a little bit, makes me miss the lakes, listening to the waves while sitting on the dock. mmmmm... beautiful! We drove back to Spearfish after the few hours of Rapid were done and again hung out in my dorm room. Jon fell asleep off and on, it was kinda funny. He didnt mean to though. We did have some good conversation there I do have to say. Not on anything specific besides the one topic about marriage and temptation (it was good to admit those feelings so you know the other person is feeling the same way). We will probably get married in a few years in the summer, that is if something crazy doesnt happen next year at UWS. I pray to God that nothing will happen besides growth in our relationship.

Today we got up early and the two of us accompanied Jenny, Shelli, and Melinda to the Millstone for breakfast with Jenny's mom and her mom's friend who were heading to Minnesota to visit Jenny's grandpa. That was interesting. Jenny looks a lot like her mom. It was kinda funny how much they are alike. After breakfast was church, it was hard for me to sit that long. I'm a bad kid. Then took a nap, and back to the spot near the river where Jon and I talked some more. We talked about dogs (or pets in general), having kids, our relatives and stuff about that, and a bunch more things. It was all in all a good time. It is the last time he will be to BHSU while I am still schooling here. Sad really if I think about it too much. The school year is around 4 weeks left. I honestly dont know how to comprehend that.

4 days left untill I can drive again and Jenny and my little "road trip" back to Minnesota, show her the sights!! YES!!! :)

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