Monday, March 13, 2006


it officially sucks to have crutches. The whole broken foot thing I can take, but walking around campus stinks with crutches. I decided I am finally building my abbs and arm muscles because of them. But still... Oh and its weird, a lot more teachers say hello to you when you have crutches. Society is just diff. when using them.
I have now decided that God gave me the whole car thing and the crutches because he wants to teach me a lesson. I guess he wants me to know how to rely on other people. I hate doing that. . .

1 comment:

daveeh said...

i'm sorry you are on crutches, that must be frustrating, carrie.
i am ready for spring, yes, however it is cold and snowing here tonight,
not like spring at all yet, how is it there in hawaii? ( i know you aren't really in hawaii...)