Saturday, March 18, 2006

another day gone by

This week has been the hardest of all weeks of my first year of college. Starting off by getting back to school dead as a door-nail because of the drive the night before. Having to say goodbye to my love again, know I wont be able to see him for quite a while. I am walking around on crutches that I have decided to give up because I was having a tuff time and building muscle I never knew I had. Also the pain of my wisdom teeth getting pulled out of the bone. And my jaw pops and I wouldnt have been suprised if people down the hall could have heard the loud pop.

Monday, I started out with bad weather and a test in sociology that I am quite afraid that I didnt do the best I had wished for. Tuesday, my jaw is hurting. I wake up around 4:00am and just cry because of the excruciating pain. And I am one that can handle pain quite well. Later in the day I hobble around on my crutches to and fro, finding no patience in my stuggle. Wednesday, my rough draft is due for my english paper, I feel useless, I only got started on it and dont have the eurning to do any more for what it is worth. The pain worsens in my jaw. Thursday, I can deal no more with the pain in my mouth and get into the campus nurse, she refers me to a few dentists. I end up calling around the area for anyone, anyone please, who has a space available for me. I feel bad asking Jenny for a ride to the dentist but she is the only one available. She is a god-send. I get in and get the dry socket filled with whatever bad smelling/tasting stuff, but it started to feel better. The tylanol and IB profin are still in large use. I am starting to feel a bit better though. Friday, I decide that I am officially sick of school and that this week has been the worst one yet in my college days. I skip my first class, geology. She was only going to talk about the grand canyon. I dont honestly care that much about the topic and Shana, in talkes me into going over to the caff for breakfast. She didnt have to try to hard. We end up spending over 30 minutes there joking around with Brett and John Spears. Later in the day I go to english and do an in class paper on abortion and women's rights. Finally, the week worth of school was over. I sighed and went and read some more of the book I just started a few days ago, The Time Traveler's Wife. The book is much better than I had thought it out to be. It captured me from the first page. I had finished To Kill A Mockingbird earlier in the week. To finish off my Friday I settled back and watched movies with my dear friend Jenny. We had quite a good time skipping game night at the ministery house. She can pick some good movies. Saturday, not quite finished but there wasnt much to it. I woke up around 11 and went in the canyon with shana, probably shouldnt have walked the way I did down to the river bank on my broken foot. But I did anyways, me and my strong will. Naughty. Then we went to Walmart to pick up some goods, saw a ton of people from our dorm. And then headed back to Humbert, did some reading for sociology, talked to Jon for a bit (poor kid, I had not much to say, but I was glad to hear from him), and just now I got back from watching Pride and Prejudice with Jenny and Shelli. Such a good movie. The guy is so cute. Anyways, now that the night is near over, I should withdraw to my bed and read a bit before I decided to say my goodnight for the evening.

Good day to you, and thank God the week is over. May the pain be gone with the week.

1 comment:

daveeh said...

hey carrie, spring as of 1:36 pm ...!