Monday, February 21, 2005

presidents day

oh man was it good that there wasnt school today. i am so happy about that!
i stayed up to around 3 talking to jon on the phone. that was good as always. i really wish that we could hang out in person though. i miss him.
because i had stayed up so late i slept until 1:30. well, i was woken up a few times by different loud noises in the house. for example herman meowing at my door or the phone ringing.
after i got up i sat and watched these makeover shows with my mom and sister. i dont know why i even sat down in the first place. i dont evern honestly like those shows. anyways i sat around for a few hours and then went off to work at 4.
work wasnt bad at all. the only thing about it tonight was that i felt like i wasnt accomplishing anything that i was just working and not getting anything done.
oh my goodness while i was outside earlier this evening i looked up in the sky and you could see the moon surrounded by this briliant color of blue. it was so beautiful. then when i turned my head to look the opposite direction i saw the sunset sliding under its blanket of trees. yeah it totally pays off when you do floor work so you can be outside at least part of the night.
alright well im sure there is more i could say but i should get off of my computer and go study for a test tomarrow. i have some other homework too. shoot for the stars. later dude.

1 comment:

Gustavus said...

Good luck on all of your Homework and tests. I have a couple of tests comining up myself.