Friday, February 04, 2005

Hey, what a day.
today at school was kinda a sad day depending on who you were aroud. one of the kids from the MC-RC (meadow creek, rivers christian) wrestiling teams sister was in a car accident yesterday. she was hit by a semi and was put in the hospital on life support. they took the life support off this morning and she did good for a bit but then passed away earlier today. many people were struggling to do their school work and had rings of red around their eyes from tears. if you could pray for that family and the friends, that would be great.
besides that, the day was great. classes went by prety fast and the weather was so nice. it was like 51 degrees today. i had to drive with my windows open cause it was so nice. i passed the memory verse for the week which is cool. the verse was very short though. after school i worked out with my friend jess in the weightroom for about an hour before her friend andy came and picked her up. that was fun.
later in this fine evening i went to youth group. its just not the same anymore. there are so many younger kids now and really no one my age. but i guess i enjoyed it anyways. alright im off to go read and then hit the sack. enjoy this fine evening. goodnight

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