Sunday, November 07, 2004

God is so awesome!

This morning I went to church like always. God was there and He was so awesome and is so awesome I could never explain in full how I feel when I am in His presence. I had to work today from 2-10 and I have been prety hard on work and not liking it at all. Anyways, God must have put me there for a reason because first of all when I went to aply there I came with a Super America application (they forgave me and then I went into the back room to fill out the electronic application). So even though I dont want to admit it, it must be God's will for me to be here. Anyways, on with my story. Today I worked with Jon and another girl, she is cool and all. I was put on register one because Racheal was leaving at 8. So I was standing there taking liceanse plates down when out of the blue Jon asked me where I go to church. Wowzers! That totally caught me off guard. So we talked off and on about church and stuff. Him and I both dont like Holiday, no one uplifts eachother and so on. . . he put in his final notice, working two more weeks and then gone. I know at the beginning I didnt like him but as I work here more I have liked him better and better. Another thing that happened my friend Jake from MCCS came walking past the register, said hey Carrie, and then walked out. Why could he not have stayed and talked more, come on dude, he is an awesome kid and I dont see him anymore cause now he goes to Anoka Ramsey Tech.
Then along the day went and i got on break and cause I had my Bible I read some from Joshua and I started to pray and I prayed that if its God's will he would make me stay and if not he would allow me to get hired by Farmstead (where i volunteer). So then my break was over. A little bit after that one of the guys that comes in off and on came in and payed for fuel and what not. He asked me, "So did you quit for a while? You havent been around." and I said, "No I only work a few days a week because of school. " and he asked me a little about school, and then I said that I also dont work Sunday mornings anymore because of church. That got us on the subject about him going to a church now for a bit and where him and i go and what not. it was just cool how God can put one word into my mouth and it can change around something totally. ok so then Allan the night manager at Holiday comes in and he was on vacation for a few weeks. I guess he went to china. I learned tonight that he works with an underground church there and an atoption agency here in St. Paul. that just caught me by suprise and i learned a little bit more about him. its just cool to know there is another christian there with me at work even though we are never there at the same time, its still cool! I hope God shows you something in your life. and i hope he just lights the fire within you that can never stop burning! God bless I have to get to bed, talk to you later.

1 comment:

Gustavus said...

Oi, thanks for you post, I have the same troubles with devoting time to God and not only myself. Also on your post, I have also found that the word church is an excellent conversation starter, its benign, and while going to church alone doesn’t mean much, it can be an outward sign of salvation and is a great leading word. Often when I find myself too embarrassed to ask someone if they are a believing, let alone a zealous Christian, I what I think is copping out just a little bit and ask about church first to test the waters. I don’t really think being tactful is bad at all I just think my reasons for being tactful are as you say not for God’s benefit but rather for my own protection against a minor embarrassment. I should be on fire for Christ and willing to expose myself to risk and yes-even ridicule at times. So I either have to gain confidence in Christ or change my reasons for being tactful, or be more willing to share my life. I suppose it relates back to living the life of Christ and others coming to you and asking what it is that you have that makes you different then other people.

At any rate I enjoyed reading your post. And don’t let my introspection and self ridicule influence you, I think its great that you are talking to people about your faith and I don’t think that you are copping out by leading with statements about church at all. I was just saying that’s how I lead and why I do it. I don’t mean it to have bearing on you and please don’t take it that way.

Peace, and have a good school week.